Chapter Twenty-Four - the truth

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As I lay down breathing deeply as I composed myself, I noticed an unfamiliar weight in bed next to me and I turned to see Brand fast asleep next to me, thankfully he had not awoken from my sudden movements. I wiped my lips, trying to get the feel of the mysterious man off them as I groaned, the entire interaction still so vivid in my mind.

I sighed as I swung my feet to the side of the bed and walked away and into the bathroom, trying to collect my thoughts. I rested my hands on the sink as I looked at my reflection in the mirror, trying to piece together everything that just happened to me.

Whatever had just happened was bad, very bad, and I knew I shouldn't have reacted to it the way I did. Brand was my mate, I'm not meant to feel this way about someone else, right?

I mean especially not someone like that guy. He was just twisted, the way he spoke and the way he carried himself was weird, almost regal in a way. There was something off about him and there's no way he couldn't mean anything. There was no way I was that attracted to a random man who just appeared in my dreams randomly.

It's fine Lillian, I thought to myself as I splashed cold water on my face, trying to get rid of the thrill still rushing through my body. I'm sure it was just a reaction from where I've not been mated to Brand for long, yeah that was what it was, I managed to convince myself as I looked at my reflection, but deep down I knew I was just lying to myself.

As I sighed sitting on the toilet I shook my head. I was still slightly mad at how Brand had ordered me around earlier, but Hyde was right. I had a chance with someone, with him, to love and be loved. I wondered if I had been screaming again, was that why he was here with me tonight?

I just didn't know, something still felt wrong, why hadn't he told me someone could challenge him for me or that he had the potential means to make me into an original? Not that I was ready to be claimed or turned, but I deserved to know something that important and life changing. It wasn't fair that he had left that key bit of information out.

I sighed deeply as I walked silently out of the bathroom to see him still peacefully asleep on the bed.

I climbed in admiring his face as I smiled, he was heavenly, I got lucky for sure. I just needed to remove that weird man from my mind. I was going to be perfectly happy with Brand, I didn't need something else coming in and complicating things, I would start working on my magic tomorrow so he wouldn't have the chance to bombard me again.

I finally gave in to sleep as my eyes grew heavy and I snuggled into Brand, his arms automatically opening for me to fit perfectly against his chest, his breathing caressing my back as I shivered at the sensation. He instantly pulled me closer to him, cradling me with his body as I felt my eyes close again and I fell asleep, no more dreams, thank the gods.

I opened my eyes to him shifting as I found myself on Brand's chest, my face looking straight up at him as he watched me quietly. As I looked up at him, I lowered my gaze, my face flushing with embarrassment as I noticed my position on top of him.

Brand smiled, lifting my chin as he made our eyes meet again, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, "I'm sorry for randomly being in your bed again but I originally came in here to find you after you and Hyde had an argument and I wanted to talk about what you said to him. But when I came in you were asleep, and you were tossing and turning again, so I lay down next to you, and I must have been more tired than I thought" he mumbled in a deep sleep filled voice that made my stomach tingle and my toes curl,

I gulped as I smiled, "it's fine, I don't mind." I mumbled as I sat up running my hands through my hair, Brand smirked at me as my eyes fell on his bare chest and I found my mouth going dry. I quickly turned my head away and stood up walking away from the bed,

"What's wrong Lillian, I can tell something is bothering you, is it what you and Hyde were talking about?" he said as I ran my hands through my hair frustrated, I didn't want to argue with him again, but I was dying to ask him about the claiming thing and the potential to turn me into a vampire, I had to know if whoever told me that was telling the truth but i didn't want him to know about they mystery man, not just yet.

As I ran my hands over my face I sighed walking over to the bed and placing myself on it, "Why didn't you tell me Brand, about the claiming thing" I said staring at him as he sighed his head falling back onto the pillow,

"Come on Lillian, seriously we were going so well there for about five minutes, and now we go back to arguing" he said as I shrugged hopping off the bed, "I don't want to argue with you Brand, but if you could possibly die because of it, why wouldn't you tell me. And let's not get started on the fact that you could potentially have the means to turn me into an Original" I said as he shot in bed up looking at me,

"Who told you that Lillian" he said quickly grabbing my hands as I frowned, I couldn't tell him the truth, I didn't even know who the guy was, and how he made me feel was not okay, he couldn't know. I didn't want him to know.

"I don't know, I can't remember, I must have read it last night" I said quietly as I stood up walking over to the other side of the room, "No Lillian. No more lies, who told you this." He said firmly as I bit my nails, nerves wrecking me as that unfamiliar mans face popped into my mind again and the feel of his touch rushed through me,

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