Chapter Seventy - Erebus

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The world stopped as Bethany slowly looked up at me, her hands slowly wrapping around the blade as my eyes found her face. Shock, and horror coated her face as a small trickle of blood fell from her lips and my sword fell from my grasp.

She gasped as she fell onto her side, her body hitting the floor with a loud thud as a loud ringing filled my ears and my body felt as if it turned to stone. I saw Magda smirking behind her, her arm still outstretched from throwing the sword straight into Bethany's chest.

I frantically pushed forwards through the fighting as I fell to the ground next to her and I quickly pulled the sword out of Bethany's chest cradling her next to me as I tried to stem the bleeding, in hope she could heal quick enough.

I stroked her head pulling her close as her breathing came out in short little pants and I felt my hands shake as I pressed hard against the wound. I heard an inhuman howl emit from across the field as Hyde saw what had happened,

I saw my tears drop onto her cheek and I began to sob, "no, no, no" I whispered still trying to stop the blood flowing out, watching it stain the white snow red, her eyes began to flutter as I gripped her face tightly, my bloody fingers leaving little marks on her cheeks.

"Don't you fucking dare close your eyes on me Bethany. Don't you dare fucking leave me, heal. Fucking heal, I swear to the gods I will kill you if you die" I choked out as she looked at me a small tear rolling down her face as her chest rose and fell sharply, the sound of her desperate breathing being the only thing to cut through the sharp ringing echoing throughout my head.

"Don't leave me, please, I-don't-want-to-go." she gasped out as sobs escaped my body and I continued to try and contain the wound, my hands completely covered in blood. I nodded, kissing her head as she looked at me, more tears escaping and I felt my heart hammering out of my chest, a sick pit growing in my stomach at the constant blood pouring from her chest.

"Hey, you're going to be okay, it's going to be fine. You're going to be okay" I said as I smiled, lying through my teeth,

"We are silverbacks remember, we are tough, and we always have each other, a little cut never hurt us" I whispered pulling her close into my chest as I watched my tears roll onto her face, mixing with the bloody fingerprints I had created,

"Lillian, I'm scared. I don't want to die, please don't let me die." she croaked as I pulled back to look at her, her chest was rising and falling much slower now as she struggled to breathe in, blood clearly filling her body.

I shook my head as my tears poured down my face, "Don't you dare close your eyes, I need you, don't go, we can heal this. I just need to get you back to the castle, I swear to the gods Bethany don't you shut them fucking eyes" I cried out as she smiled, her hand weakly reaching for mine.

"I love you Lillian, thank you for always taking care of me and giving up your childhood so I could have mine. Thank you for being my big sister" she gasped as the blood continued to pour around my hands and I sobbed realising I couldn't do anything. I wasn't going to be able to save her.

Her eyes began to flutter as I took a deep breath and pulled her small body tight to mine, "Bethany please, stay awake. I can fix you; you're going to be okay, I just need to get you back, that's all. You're going to be fine" I vowed as she gripped my hand tighter as Hyde joined me next to her as he gripped her other hand, his hand dedicated brushing over her features.

"No please, not her. Bethany baby, keep them gorgeous eyes open, I can heal you. Please, I cant live without you. Let me heal you" he whispered as she looked up at the sky, her breathing now a low whistle as her eyes searched the sky, seeing something that we could not.

"I wish we could stay here forever" she croaked out repeating her words from last night as her grip on our hands fell and her eyes stopped seeing, her body falling limp in my arms, as I felt sometime die within me.

My heart stopped as I felt a small piece of me disappear with her last breath, my mind growing completely blank as everything disappeared around me and my lip quivered slightly.

I looked at her now heavy in my arms as memories flashed across my mind. For a moment I saw her as a newborn, cradled in my arms as she fussed, those beautiful green eyes to never meet mine again. I saw her sweet smile, her beautiful laughter, and her awful jokes. I began to breathe deeply as reality set in and my body began to shake.

I let out an inhuman scream to the air as I realised she was gone, my baby sister, my life, the one thing I had sacrificed my entire existence for since the day she was born. I had failed. My one purpose was dead.

Bethany was dead.

Then I felt myself crack, the power bursting from within.

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