Chapter Five - Revenge

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Once I was finally home safe, I quickly opened and locked the door tightly behind me, bolting the door tighter than I ever had in my life. I had taken turns at every chance, at the hope if someone was following, they would never have been able to track the scent directly.

I leant against the door as I caught my breath still feeling the remains of fear run through me, it was as if I could still feel Evelyn's dark gaze burning into my soul and I shuddered at the thought. I wiped my face taking a deep breath as I chucked my shawl on the table and I ran upstairs to Bethany, who was sitting on the edge of her bed, humming softly.

"Bethany, listen to me okay." I said bursting in as she jumped to her feet, knife at the ready. I pushed past as I paced around the room, "Two high level vampires were in town today, they were investigating Gustav for illegal weapons. I somehow ended up bumping into them. Now I don't believe they suspected me, but I want you to put your armour on just in case" I said as I looked outside before shutting and locking all the windows breathing heavily.

"Oh and let's not fucking forget, that idiot Jacob decided to propose to me, TO ME!" I practically screeched as I felt panic settle in, "I mean I knew he was slightly crazy but now I just think he is insane, I mean marry me? As if I'm someone you could see yourself settling down with?" I stressed as she just watched me, her mouth hung open as she tried to process all the information I had just thrown at her.

I felt sick to my stomach, I felt as if someone was watching me all the way home, but I couldn't spot anything out of the ordinary. I couldn't tell what was real or paranoia, I just knew I needed to keep Bethany safe, and we needed to get out of here first thing tomorrow.

Bethany got up from her bed as the blood drained from her face, "Vampires? In this small town? Lillian, we must go now, get as far away from here as possible, you know we can't stay. That's a massive risk, even for you. We would be fucking stupid to stay even one more night" she said scared as I groaned turning to her as I took the dress off throwing it aside.

"Bethany, you know we can't leave right now, I have to complete tonight. This guy is the last one on our list. We have been planning this for years, this is our chance to finally burn that list, our only chance at completing our revenge. We both know it will be nearly impossible to get the perfect condition's again, let alone track him down if we did move." I said as she shook her head wringing her hands together,

"This plan is going ahead, and I am going to kill him tonight. I just have to this okay." I said as she went to open her mouth and quickly shut it processing my reaction, "I have to do this. For you and for mother." I said quietly as she watched me carefully,

"Anyway, as I said I don't think they suspected me too much, I was careful coming home to ensure I wasn't followed. I am not giving up this chance to kill this bastard" I said angrily ranting as I pulled out my weapons laying them on the table as I felt her gaze on me.

I knew she didn't dare to speak at the moment, this kill tonight was so different to any of my other jobs, it was personal. Finally, we would be able to finish the list we had of people who had ordered our mother to be killed in-front of us. I had been picking them off one by one, and this last one was the biggest asshole yet.

The ex-mayor of our town, the one who was personally responsible for dragging me and Bethany out to watch our mother burn alive. He was scum, pure evil and I was going to enjoy ending his life.

Bethany knew this were different, I was not going to budge on this job. This man was different to all the rest, he had been the one to physically hold my head up, so I was forced to watch her burn alive, witness her screams and watch the fire eat away at her.

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