Chapter Twenty Three - A visitor

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After a couple of hours of exploring the castle I sighed, my head dropping as I sat down, my body yelling out at me to stop. I had only just calmed down, I had been seeing red for an hour, the rage flowing hot through me after my rant but I didn't regret what I said to Hyde, not at all.

I wasn't wrong, the entire kingdom was in shit, and I had seen all of it, more than I had ever cared to. Not that Brand wasn't doing a good job, I understood it was a massive task, even for a vampire. And sure, it wasn't total fucking chaos, but so much more could be done to help everyone, and I mean everyone, not just those who are lucky enough to get help, and if I got that chance to do something right. I was going to do it.

I couldn't sit by and let that all happen, after seeing so much of it myself, it just wasn't okay and I knew I couldn't live with myself if I had to rule and continue the unfair treatment upon those who deserved so much better than this. I just was at a loss as to what was so important to Brand that he refused to understand or see what was happening in his kingdom, it almost felt as if he didn't want to see so that he wouldn't know.

However, what unsettled me the most was Hyde's comment on Michael, on werewolves, his sacrifice still haunts me to this day, a careless mistake made by me meant the only man who had ever protected us had died.

I gulped as I felt fresh tears surface and I climbed back up the stairs to the library, praying Hyde wouldn't be in there. I pushed the door open a little bit as I peeked inside, holding my breath. I let out a sigh of relief seeing he wasn't there as I walked over to the table and pulled a box to the side filling it with books. I wanted to know more, and I needed to know more, but I would rather not do it with him right now. I feared what else might come out of my mouth if he had to teach me.

I was especially curious about the other supernatural creatures. I had heard of fairies, pixies, and mermaids, but I had never thought them to be real and still alive, which made more sense now that I knew they were essentially banished to their little plots of land, segregated from everyone else. It was very stupid of me to think that they potentially didn't exist, considering werewolves and vampires roamed this world, so I should have known they were somewhere out there as well.

As the box was full as I groaned lifting it up, my muscles were crying out at me as I forced myself back towards my room. I quietly walked down the halls as I got lost in thought again, but as I walked down the hall towards my room I came across Bethany and Hyde talking suspiciously in the hallway. I quickly halted hiding behind a statue nearby as one of the books fell from the box from my sudden movement. I silently gasped as I balanced myself, catching the book before it hit the floor and letting out a silent sigh of relief.

I listened in as I readjusted myself, "What do you mean she had a bad feeling? And you decided to bring up Michael? You are an idiot. Have you not learnt a single thing about Lillian? There's no way she's going to ever work with you again after that, you got off lucky testing her with such nonsense, i'm surprised she didn't try to stab you" Bethany hissed hitting him on the arm as Hyde rolled his eyes at her,

"She must know that she can't shut herself out forever Bethany, she needs him as much as he needs her. She will be our queen, she must accept that because it's not going away, and if I have to force it out of her, so be it" he said as I heard Bethany sigh,

"We must warn Brand about this feeling. I know it means nothing good, but you must learn to be patient with her, she is a good person, and she will do what's right for her and the kingdom. And she is right, you know, this kingdom needs to be fixed. She can do that, and you know it. You just need to show her you are someone to be trusted, just like you showed me" she said as he nodded placing a soft kiss on her cheek,

As they both walked their separate ways I sighed in frustration, fucking great. Now Brand was going to be all up my arse questioning me about my feelings and probably asking if it had anything to do with the nightmares, I wasnt going to get a moment of fucking peace around here with all these fucking busybodies.

As I finally arrived at my room I shut the door quietly and placed the books next to my bed, I climbed onto my bed as I pulled out the top book, "The history of the Fairies, I bet this is going to be thrilling" I sighed as I skimmed the large, dusty book. "Well I guess I have to start somewhere" I mumbled as I flipped it open and began to read making notes as I went,

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