Chapter Forty-Four - enemies

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Me and Sirene looked at each other as we quickly rushed out of the tent towards the front gate, pushing through the chaos as I ran straight into Brand and Damien both looking around frantically,

They both rushed to me at inhuman speed as Brand checked me over, Damien hanging just slightly back and assessing me from a distance, his eyes roaming all over my body as I shivered slightly.

"Hey, I'm fine, don't worry. We can talk later, now we have other issues" I said trying to push Brand off as he didn't let me move pulling me close, "They wouldn't let me see you, stupid witch issues, but I heard a little of what she was saying to you" he said as he inhaled my scent, my body turning on fire just being near him,

I pushed him backwards as I looked up at him frowning as I shook my head, "What the hell Brand? That was none of your business, that was a private meeting that I would have told you about later" I said as I shook my head at him, completely disappointed that he couldn't even trust me to be alone for a second.

I pushed past him growling as Damien watched me carefully, I grit my teeth walking past him too, but as I stormed forwards he grabbed onto my arm, holding me back lightly, "Lillian, we didn't mean to listen, it's a little hard to control our hearing sometimes, especially when there is someone important being kept from us" he said as I turned and looked up at him, my body lighting on fire at his touch as I felt my heart rate quicken and my breathing become laboured,

"Damien, please, let me go, we need to help the witches, we can sort this out later" I said as he shrugged, "I'm just saying, the old bird thought we were a couple, she clearly has good taste" he winked whispering in my ear as I groaned shrugging my arm out of his hand, seeing Brand clench his fists behind me, "This is not the time for your jokes Damien" I growled as I stormed forwards,

"Now come on, where are my weapons" I said as Damien threw me my bow and arrows and Brand handed me my knives and daggers, I tucked them into my suit as we continued forwards.

We ran to the gate as I quickly swung myself up onto the top of the wall to assess the situation below. As I reached the top I saw Cyrene was up there looking through a telescope. She turned to me nodding as she handed it to me and I looked to see if I could see anyone,

"Looks like a red-haired woman, a dark-haired man and a very hairy man, and perhaps a few dozen people behind them, mixed werewolves and vampires from a quick glance, they have come with numbers, perhaps an attack isn't their first plan. But then again it could be a ruse and they could be hidden in the forest" I said as Brand and Damien hopped up to join me,

"Well that's Magda for sure" Damien said as he squinted, shuddering slightly, "Her fashion taste definitely hasn't gotten any better, although i'd like to see that dress on you, might just be the person in it that's horrid" he remarked nudging me as I scowled looking back into the telescope, I sighed as Brand growled behind me, "What the hell is she doing here" he said as I rubbed his arm calming him down,

"Cyrene, what is a witch doing with them" I said as she frantically grabbed the telescope off me and squinted into the lens before gasping and rushing away,

"Mother! Mother!" she called as she swung down onto the floor and ran towards Sirene, I turned to Brand concerned as he quickly scooped me up opening his wings and flew down, following her, Damien not too far behind.

Sirene walked up to Cyrene as she looked concerned, "it's Marlena. They have Marlena. She's with them, she isn't dead they must have taken her hostage" she said as Sirene's face fell,

I scrambled out of Brand's arms as I ran up to them. I looked at their faces as I began to worry, "Someone explain, please. What's going on" I said as they turned to me, "She went out on a mission a while ago. She's a very powerful witch, so she went out to scout alone, it was just a routine check, but she never returned. This about two months ago, but I don't understand why they would want her, or why they would need her" Cyrene said as I grasped her hand tight and turned her to look at me,

"Whatever you need, we will help you. We are allies now, you have the best assassin in Ezerene and two original vampires here to aid you, use us as you wish." I said as Cyrene smiled as me, gripping my hand firmly as she nodded,

"Thank you Lillian, I am honoured and glad you have become an ally. We could use all the help we can get. I assume they are here for the prophecy you spoke about before, and perhaps even for you" she said as I nodded,

Sirene looked at me as I turned to her, "They must be here for the other prophecy, about the great war. Not the one you told me, they don't know about that as far as I know, we must know what is going on. Please." I said as Sirene nodded sighing,

Damien and Brand went to follow me as she held up her hand, "I'm sorry gentlemen, I appreciate your help and we may now be allies, despite my opinion, but no vampires are allowed in this sacred room. Please join Cyrene in making sure they don't breach the wall and we shall join you as soon as possible" she said as Brand clenched his jaw,

I ran over to him as I kissed him on the lips, "Go, protect them" I said as he pulled me in and kissed me again, "Be careful Lillian, I love you"  he said as I felt myself freeze, his words making my heart go fluttery as he squeezed my hand and ran off towards the wall.

Damien stood there looking at me as I turned to him letting out a deep breath raising my eyebrow, wondering what he was waiting for,

"What!? No kiss for me as well? Oh that's a shame, I could be seriously hurt here you know, may be your only chance" he joked as I smirked at him and he stared intently into my eyes, causing my stomach to go all fluttery,

I rolled my eyes as I pointed towards the gate, "Go Damien, go protect the witches I'm sure you will be fine, don't be such a drama Queen" I muttered as he winked before he ran off towards Brand, leaving me feeling flustered,

Sirene grabbed my arm as she quickly led me through another stone door and down loads of stairs into a cellar of some sorts.

As we reached the bottom she bent over wheezing clutching her chest and I rushed over in concern, "Sirene, are you okay?" I said as she waved "I'm old Lillian, my time is coming. I've been on this earth for a long time and I have to talk to you about this. Cyrene is ready to take my place, but she is not ready to let me go, please be there for her, protect my daughter" she said as I nodded smiling, "Of course, now let me help you" I nodded grabbing under her shoulder as I carried her into the room. She pushed off me as she walked into the centre and she smiled opening a book

"Lillian, I don't have much power left, you are going to have to open the book" she said as I shook my head, "But I don't know if I can, I've never done proper magic before" I panicked as she smiled, "Lillian you set our gate ablaze in witchfire without even thinking, I think you will be fine opening the book" she muttered wheezing slightly as my stomach turned at the mention of witchfire,

I slowly placed my hand on the book as a red power wrapped around my hand and the book slowly lit it up and popped open, flicking through the pages covered in sigils and runes. I gasped as I withdrew my hand and Sirene ripped a page out before I could even see it, "Do not look at it yet Lillian, Marlena could still read your mind, keep it in a safe spot and read once this is over" she said as I placed it in my pocket and nodded.

Sirene hobbled over as I smiled and quickly lifted her onto my back, "Hey we have evil peoples butts to kick and I'm not leaving you behind. Let's go make my mother proud" I said as I ran up the stairs and towards the gate.

As we reached nearer I saw Cyrene pacing in front of a group of witches and as I slowed down she turned and smiled watching me carry her mother over and place her on the floor,

"Lillian, thank Hecate you are back. They are just waiting outside; they haven't done anything except demand to see you, me and them two" she said pointing to Brand and Damien, I walked up to them as they looked at me concern on their faces,

"I think" I started as they both shook their heads, "We won't let you" they almost said in unison as I frowned, getting angry, I was getting tired of this controlling bullshit.

"Don't even start with me right now. I have had enough bad news today, I'm not letting anyone die now, these are my friends now, my people. Remember you don't own me, and you cannot control me" I growled as they both sighed and I pushed past them and walked to Cyrene, the two of them following behind me.

We walked up to the door as Cyrene let out a deep breath, her hands shaking ever so slightly. I grabbed her hand squeezing it as I smiled, "We will do this, together, nothing is going to happen to your colony, I promise" I said as she smiled,

She pushed her hand out as a flash of green power swung the doors open and we walked out, Damien and Brand on our tail.

There were a lot of vampires and werewolves behind the three main horses, and I thanked the gods I had packed wooden arrows and silver blades. We walked up leaving a space between us as the three of them hopped off their horses and walked towards us, the red head holding the witch by her neck.

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