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hello there! long time no see. i hope you all are doing well. wishing that good things are happening. i missed you all deeply.

after finally remembering my email i used for this account, i'd like to issue an apology! i'll just give you a rundown of what's been going on these past few years.

i went to college, sorta, i chickened out and just ended up doing a certification for creative writing. and i learned quite a handful for the 6 months i attended. unfortunately, after that i was drained and writer's block hit me like a bitch.

i tried pushing through but i couldn't bring myself to get through a single line without hating it. in the end, i just distanced myself from writing and just worried about getting a job and doing adult things. capitalism sucks ass.

besides slaving away, i'm 21 now! going on 22 in april! i socialized and went outdoors which is surprising instead of being in my room all the time.

i've been building my art skills because i awakened my former love for it. i'd share a few but, i currently don't have my ipad and so i can't watermark my drawings lol but i do have a instagram and a tiktok! (ig: @brendabaee_ tiktok: @brendabaee)

i've also moved to the west coast, yayy! (hate it, it's so expensive here wtf?!) but moved cause of family so what the hell? but yeah, that's pretty much all I can share.

i recently have just been thinking a lot about writing. a new plot for the dare has finally hit me so i have the urge to write which i missed so much.

but yes, new and improved "the dare" is in the works. for real this time! i'm in the process of moving into my new place in the next few days but, once that's all done, i'm 100% ready to get back on the writing grind again. 🫶🏾

anyhow, i hope you all have a good day/night and i'll see you soon with the beloved story you've all been waiting for.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now