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A few days later...

"Welcome home, Kimora!"

Startled, I jumped back and bumped into my Dad. I relaxed realizing it was only just friends and family gathered at my house. I didn't expect this. My Dad didn't give me any hints as to what was happening. That was also surprising considering the fact that he can't hold water for too long. 

My heart fluttered with joy. I really missed being home. "Thank you, everyone."

"All credit goes to Jaxon and Kamila." My Dad said from behind me. I only saw Kamila but, Jaxon was nowhere to be found in the crowd. I pushed it aside when everyone took their turns by giving me a hug.

It came Janet's and she was the one who gave me a back breaking hug. "Ugh, I'm so glad you're okay, Kimora."

"I can't breathe." I squeezed out. She quickly released me. "Sorry."

I waved it off. "It's alright."

"Jaxon's waiting for you, by the way." She whispered lowly over all the other conversations going on around the room.

"Where?" I asked eagerly. She smiled, pointing upstairs and I quickly walked up to my room. Opening the door, Jaxon was sitting on the edge of my bed with roses in hand. A smile made a way onto both of our faces. I didn't step into the room but, Jaxon stood up. "Happy three week anniversary."

I rolled my eyes, not fighting the blush on my cheeks. "You really do that week anniversary thing?"

"What's wrong with having an excuse to celebrate that we are together?" He smiled, walking to me and handed the bouquet.

"I don't think I have enough vases for all the flowers you keep giving me." I retorted and he shrugged. "Guess I'll just have to get you vases too."

I opened my mouth to say something but, he swooped in, catching my lips with his. There were so many things I missed and one of the things would have to be kissing him. I nearly forgot what I was going to say. I pulled away, narrowing my eyes at him. "Stop doing that."

"Doing what?" His eyes not leaving my lips.

"You always kiss me when I'm about to say something."

He smirked, finally meeting my eyes. "You know I can't help myself when I'm around you."

"You're going to have to help yourself under my roof."

I spun around to my Dad who was glaring at Jaxon. "D-Dad!"

"Hey, Mr. Woods!" Jaxon said cheerfully as if my Dad wasn't plotting his death in his head. My Dad finally broke his glare and looked at me. "¿Por qué es tan molesto? (Why is he so annoying?)"

"Eso es sólo él. (That's just him.)" I shrugged, stifling a laugh.

"De todas formas, tu madre te quiere. (Anyway, your mother wants you.)"

"Okay. Where?"

"The kitchen."

I nodded, making my way downstairs with Jaxon following behind me. "So did your Dad say something good about me?" Jaxon asked with a smile.

"Um... not exactly."

"He's just pretending to hate me." He said more to himself than me. I guess that was his way of making him feel better. Either way, I knew my Dad liked Jaxon. He was trying to keep his Dad pride and act like he's still protective of me.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now