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a/n: let's pretend there aren't tattoos in Kimora's picture, okay? okay!


We finally made it to the restaurant and it was modest which was great with me. We all walked inside and it was gorgeous as it was on the outside. The mood of this restaurant was warm and comfy. Dark brown walls with dim white lights shining from behind the wood which was pretty creative. The dark brown wooden floors waxed so much that I could see a bit of my reflection. White ball lights dangled over the long tables and it was busy here so I couldn't point out Jaxon or his family.

After talking with the waitress about reservations, we followed her to a table where Jaxon, Janet, Derek, Regan -his older sister, and another man which I'm assuming is her fiance, and much to my dismay, Abella. I had forgotten about earlier and I've mainly just been thinking about what I saw in the hall with Maddy and Ariana. 

"You all made it!" Derek smiled, getting up from his seat as well as Abella, Regan and the man did.  "This is my our oldest daughter, Regan and her fiance, Richard."

"It's nice to meet you." My Mom spoke up.

"You too!" She smiled brightly. I took note of the small bump in her belly. I know I expected her to look like Jaxon but, she had the same features close to Derek. Her dark blonde hair flowing down to her back and big dark brown eyes. Her tan skin not showing a single flaw. Richard had blonde hair himself but, it was light and a scruff sitting on his chin and jaw. His eyes were a pretty aqua blue and had nice olive skin. They were a pretty cute couple.

"And this is Jaxon's old friend from France, Abella," Derek added. Abella hugged everyone, saving me for last. It caught me off guard. I was so rude to her and she seemed upset. I don't know what game she's playing and it's killing me.

Her hug seemed to be lasting pretty long until Jaxon cleared his throat. "Abella, don't you think that's enough?"

Abella pulled away and grinned at me before sitting back down in her seat. I gave Jaxon a questionable look but, he had already turned away to look at the menu, pretending not to notice.

Eventually, we all sat down and I had sat in between Abella and Jaxon -who decided to be a gentleman and pull my chair out for me. I wanted to keep them separated because I don't know what she's planning.

"You look beautiful, Kimora."

Jaxon's voice pulled me away from my thoughts, making a blush come across my cheeks. "So do you," I said meekly and he smiled, rubbing his hand on my thigh in a soothing manner.  I guess he could sense I was still pretty mad about Abella.

We kept asking questions about Regan and Richard. Reagen seemed really fond of me and I was pretty surprised.

"For two months?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled brightly. "Wow. I never have seen my brother so in love with a girl before. Then there was this one time he was in love with Kim Possible."

I giggled while Jaxon glared at her. "Thanks for embarrassing me, big sister."

"You're welcome, little brat." She ruffled his hair and he swatted her hand away, fixing his hair. 

"Abella, you speak French, correct?" My Mom asked, turning the spotlight onto her. Abella nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, you'll be great friends with Kimora."

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now