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a/n: BEFORE YOU READ THIS, i want to apologize for the long wait. i'm so so so so sorry about the month long wait. i'm still trying to manage my episode account if you didn't know i was a writer elsewhere, now you now.

also, i was really not feeling how i ended the previous chapter because i am not inspired to write about hospital stuff again for like the 232932839238 times in this story and so Jaxon gets out of the hospital unrealistically fast but, i don't care. i wasn't into it and i don't like giving you guys half of me into a story if that makes any sense.

i really want to get to the important stuff that we still have yet to cover and i'm sure you guys do too. not to mention i missed december which was when kimora's birthday happened soooo we definitely have to get everything back up to speed. lol so yeah. chief said this ain't it.

now enjoy these few chapters my loves!





"Jaxon, wake up!"

I opened up my eyes, blinded by a fluorescent light. The sound of a consistent beeping that matched my own heart rate. The smell of the sanitary and cold room despite the warmth covering me. I knew I was in the hospital but, why? I didn't feel like I was in any pain.

"Oh thank goodness!" My Mom pulled me into a hug, looking at me with teary eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"Why... am I here?" I asked, my throat croaking from how dry it was.

She sighed, sitting back in her seat. "Apparently, you were in a hit and run from a drunk driver on the road a few nights ago. You didn't intake any major damage as the drunk driver did. The doctors say it's a miracle you only made it out with just a minor concussion."

Oh right... I remember.

The door opened and my Dad entered a smile immediately appearing on his weary features. "You're awake." I nodded, not really trusting my voice to speak. I sounded horrible. Where was my sexy voice?

As if he was reading my mind, my Dad passed me a cup of water and I drank it without missing a beat, sitting up on the hospital bed. "Well, damn. At least enjoy the water." My Dad said and my Mom giggled.

"I'll pass... does Kimora know I'm here?" My Mom crossed her arms. "Of course. She actually was just here before you woke up."

"Where'd she go?"

She shrugged. "Adam convinced her to go eat something with him. She's been sitting in here ever since 4 AM." I resisted rolling my eyes at that asshat's name. I really want to see her now. I can't imagine how worried she must be. "Wait. Are they by themselves?"

My parents shared a look before looking back at me. "No, Tyler is with them. They should be coming back by now."

Tyler knew me too well. Knowing him, he'd probably went with them purposely to keep my mind at ease. I trust Kimora but, not Adam. He already kissed her and that pissed me off. 

"Are you okay?" My Mom asked and I realized my fists were balled up. I quickly relaxed and gave them both a reassuring smile. "I'm alright."

"Speaking of Adam," My Dad spoke up. "Why did you and him get into that fight one day? You never explained what happened?"

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now