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"Thanks for letting us come over," Shantel said with a weary smile, stepping through the door with Marcus and Matthew. I nodded. "It's no problem."

It's been a few days and Kimora hasn't left my room. She doesn't eat unless I force her too and I keep hearing her cry when she thinks she's alone and screaming out of her dreams. It's tearing me apart and I feel so useless to help her so I called her mother to come over. Matthew and Marcus tagged along too which I wasn't aware of but, it was fine. I was so worried about her. She wasn't acting like herself at all.

"Where is she?" Marcus asked.

"Mom? Dad? Matthew?" Turning to Kimora, her voice lacked any tone or feeling to it. Her face still was stoic much like earlier when I found her. "What are you all doing here?"

"Jaxon called us," Shantel confesses and took Kimora's hands in hers. "Is everything okay?"

Kimora casted a side glance at me before shaking her head at her mother. "I'm fine." However, we all knew she was lying. It was so easy to tell. Shantel crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow at her but, Kimora didn't budge.

Marcus cleared his throat gathering all of our attention. "Querías quedarte aquí por unos días, ¿Verdad? (You wanted to stay here for a few days, right?)"

Kimora nodded her head in response to whatever he said. He sighed. "Fine. You can continue to stay..."

Shantel narrowed her eyes at him. "I never got a say." Marcus wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her out into the hall not without saying they will be back. Matthew spoke up. "Kimora-"

"I'm tired." She retreated back into my room and I let out an exasperated sigh. "What happened?"

I shrugged, staring where Kimora just stood. "No. She was acting like this when I picked her up from some house Adam was at. He was fine but, not her."

"I'll confront him."

"I'll confront him with you. Just in case he needs a little motivation..."

Matthew nodded reassuringly but, he suddenly looked disturbed. "I never saw her like this."

Neither have I. I wanted to say but, for some reason, I couldn't voice it out. I told Matthew to give me a minute to change and went into my room. Kimora peered from under the blanket and I mustered up the best smile I could give her without looking worried. "I'm going to leave with your parents and Matthew to go back to your place. You want to com-"

"No." She covered herself completely in the blanket and my smile fell. "Okay... I'm going to bring Alex here... is there anything you want me to get you?"

"No." She said from under the blankets.

"What was that? You wanted pancakes?"

"That's not-"

"You want roses too? Of course."

"Stop! I don't want anything! I'm not hungry! I don't want to be spoiled! Just.... just come back safely." Her voice cracked towards the end of her sentence. There was a brief silence and I just got changed, not wanting to anger her anymore.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now