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a/n: love how the original ended at fifty-four and we're on sixty-four. i-


Finally, the time had come when Rain was leaving. The snowstorm had settled down and the roads were pretty much cleared by the evening. I was more than happy to see her go. Mainly because I could tell she was still into Jaxon.

Actions speak louder than words.

"Hope to see you soon, Jaxon. Thanks for letting me stay." Rain fluttered her eyelashes.

Jaxon yawned, still trying to rub the eye out of his sleep. "Yeah. Goodbye Rain." She opened her mouth to talk again but, Jaxon had already shut the door. 

"I think that's the best thing you've done since she's been here," I said from the couch.

"I'm tired." He grumbled. "I couldn't sleep because you kept kicking me."

"Because you tried to cuddle me."

"Like we usually do." He said in a 'duh' tone.

"I think you forgot about our bet." I reminded him. The realization hit him and he leaned on the wall, raising an eyebrow at me. "Are you really taking it that far to sleeping arrangements?"


"Fine. Don't come crawling back to me." He left out the room, not before I caught the smirk on his face. He really thinks I'm going to give in that easily. It'll be the other way around with him coming to crawl back to me.


A few days later...

"She's in room 128." The nurse smiled. I nodded, thanking the nurse and heading down the hallway to Audrey's room. I've been visiting her to bring her food since she couldn't stand the hospital food after one meal. I didn't mind it. It gave me an excuse to leave the house.

I was really starting to miss school. Odd to say but, I didn't want to be stuck in the house all day.

I made it to the room and swung open the door. "Guess whose bac- oh my goodness!" I screamed, shielding my eyes from Tyler and Audrey on top of each other.

"Shit- Kimora!" I heard Audrey stuttered and I heard them shuffling around. "You can look now. We're decent."

I reluctantly lowered my hands. Audrey still looked disheveled as she smiled awkwardly while Tyler looked at everything else in the room but, me. I shook my head. "I'm not even going to ask. Just take your food."

"Thank you! I love you!" She gratefully took the bag and immediately started to dig in.

"Love you too." I sat down in the chair next to Tyler, observing Audrey as she ate. She looked better than the first few times I came into the room. Her freckled skin was no longer pale and the color came back to it. She was in so much pain that she didn't want to eat but, I forced her to eat anyway because she wouldn't eat anything else.

Audrey realized I was watching her and shook her head. "Kimora, you're acting like I'm going to collapse."

I sighed. "I know. I'm just worried about you."

"If I can take dick then I'm great." I rolled my eyes but, ended up smiling anyway. Audrey smirked but, it fell when Tyler stood up from his seat. "I should get going."

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now