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A week later...

"Are you okay?"

I turned my attention away from the TV and to my Mom who had a puzzled look on her face. I was currently sitting with my Mom at Jaxon and I's apartment. We were still living there but, it was only temporary for a few more weeks because Jaxon and I found a nice house. However, I didn't want to think about Jaxon right now. My Mom decided to visit for her fourth time this week. I'm not sure why she's hovering but, it's like she knows something and I guess that's why she asked if I was okay. 

I shrugged. "I could be better..."

"What's wrong?" I shook my head to say it was nothing but, she wasn't buying it. "Kimora Elena Woods. You better tell me what is wrong."

She pulled out the government name so I have no way of hiding it for any longer... well, one of the things I've been hiding at least.

I sighed. "Well... I think Jaxon is cheating on me."


"He's been all secretive for the past few days. Usually, he tells me what he's up to but, he's hasn't uttered a word about why he disappears in the middle of the day." I pouted, munching on the popcorn we were sharing. 

She crossed her arms. "He loves you. Why would he cheat?"

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "I don't know! Jaxon is unpredictable."

"Yeah... that's true but, I doubt he's cheating, baby. Don't doubt your relationship with him for a second."

I nodded, letting out a relaxing breath as her phone rang. So I lied. Jaxon just has been leaving because I keep asking him to get me Strawberry and Nutella cupcakes... I also ended up wanting to eat some spicy foods so he's been willing to fetch something for me. It was getting harder to try and find excuses to hide that I was pregnant from my Mom. When I had morning sickness the other day and she just so happened to be there, she started bombarding me with questions.

"How often are you and Jaxon having sex?"

I choked on the toothpaste before shooting my Mom a surprised look. "Mom! I'm not talking about my sex life with boyfriend!"

"Stop being so shy." She said, that mischievous glint in her eyes as she stared at me in the mirror. She primped her black curls as she continued grilling me with more questions. "Now answer my question."

"I don't know. I don't count." I blushed before rinsing out my mouth.

She nodded. "Are you two still using protection?"


"When did you two "sometimes" stop?"

The night of my birthday. "I don't know, Mom." I headed out of the bathroom and she followed behind me. "Why do I feel like you do?"

"You're overthinking things." I turned around and she crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes at me. "Overthinking?"

"Yes, mama. Now can we please drop this?"

"I have the right to know these things. I am your mother."

"That's what makes it ten times weirder than this conversation already is."

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now