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Tyler and I headed back to my apartment after finishing our conversation. Bryce was nowhere to see but, I didn't like the idea of not knowing where he was around my house.

Tyler made this chuckling sound and I raised an eyebrow. "Why are you laughing?"

"I just find it funny that you and Jaxon are pretty much like the same person sometimes." He flopped down on the couch, petting Alex.

I tried thinking back to anything that might have sounded conceited or made any sexual innuendos. I don't think that I've been like that at all. "Are you sure?"

He nodded. "You make this slightly agitated look or you just get completely unreadable when you're thinking about something. Jaxon is honestly is like an open book. He's not that hard to read."

I pouted. "That's because you've been friends with Jaxon since you were kids. Jaxon is annoying."

He laughed. "Definitely. He sometimes acts on his anger and his smartass mouth can get him caught in situations but, when he does stop and think things through, his unpredictability is his strongest asset." I smiled as Tyler talked about Jaxon pridefully. It made my chest fill lighter to see him praising him. I was just glad that Jaxon wasn't here to take all that his head.

Suddenly, Tyler cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. "D-Don't tell him I said that."

"Don't worry. I won't."

We both said goodnight and I crept back into my room. Jaxon was still fast asleep, exactly where I left him. Then again, I expected no less for him to be knocked out cold. I climbed into the bed, laying to stare at him. Tyler's words seeped in my head and he wasn't wrong. Yet, his strongest asset is his weakness... 


It annoys me watching Bryce acting all buddy-buddy with Jaxon the next day. I just need his act to slip up once just so Jaxon isn't caught in the idea of no one changing as I did.

Not to mention, seeing the alcohol on the table made me sick. Maybe it was just the baby but, how could Bryce keep convincing Jaxon to drink again? Jaxon didn't even recover from his last hangover.

I stood my ground, grabbing the bottle of Vodka from the table, glaring at the both of them. "You two just drank yesterday. You need to relax. Especially you Jaxon!"

Jaxon pouted. "I'm sorry, Kitten."

Bryce waved his hand and I clenched my jaw. "Come on, Kimora. You're acting pretty uptight ever since I got here." He took Jaxon's glass from his hand, gesturing to me. "Come on, have a drink-"


"Why not?"

I stayed quiet, feeling nervous as they both stared at me. Suddenly, Bryce's eyebrows raised in shock before he smirked.

Shit. He knows...

"Actually, nevermind. You're right." He stood up, towering over me. "We don't want any mishaps happening, now do we?"

I narrowed my eyes at him as he walked past me towards the kitchen. Jaxon stood up, still frowning. "Again, I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Sorry to kill your buzz but, I don't want you acting sporadically. You're already annoying as it is."

He laughed and that stupid laugh made my heart flutter. "Okay." He kissed my cheek, taking the bottle from hand before going to the kitchen just as Bryce came out of it. I didn't like the smug look on his face. It pissed me off. 

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now