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a/n: kimora doesn't remember the names of some people so when you see for example the ' over a name, she's got their name wrong and it constantly changes because she's obviosuly trying to remember who she is talking to. :)

thought i'd let you guys know that before you started reading. proceed onward!

I don't know what was going on with me today but, everything seemed so... nice. I woke up with a smile on my face even though it was Monday. I sang in the shower and actually enjoyed doing my untameable hair. It wasn't me but, I liked it... which is unusual.

I skipped into the kitchen and gladly eating my food that was waiting for me. My Dad and Matthew stared at me uncertain if I was okay or not.

"What?" I asked with my mouth full.

"Chew, fille. (Girl.)" My Mom scolded me as she joined the table. Unlike Dad and Matthew, she was smiling at me as if she knew what was up with me today. "What's got you in a good mood?" She asked.

"Jaxon is now her boyyyyfriendddd." Matthew teased and I glared at him. Surely, my face was red now.

"Aww! I knew you two would be together eventually!" My Mom cheered delightfully.

My Dad sighed. "I'm still not going to go easy on him."

I smiled. "I know."

The doorbell rang and I sprinted to the door before anyone else. I quickly composed myself in the small mirror by the door. It's just Jaxon. No need to let him see that you're extra excited to see him. I nodded before opening the door to be disappointed.

My smile faltered to a frown. "Mark. What are you doing here?"

He took off his sunglasses, showing his brown eyes that were filled with worry. "I have to tell you something."

"I'm good. You can tell Axel to go fuck himself." I went to close the door but, his words stopped me. "It's urgent, Miss. Woods. You could be at risk of getting hurt along with your friends."

I inspected him closely. I wasn't sure if he was just saying that or if he was telling the truth. I hesitantly stepped out of my house, closing the door behind me. "I'm listening."

He let out a jittery deep breath. Was he nervous? "I'm not even supposed to be telling this but, I think Axel is out to get you."

"Aren't I supposed to be his 'love' or whatever?" I asked, not intrigued by this conversation.

"Well, he's pretty mad that you and Jaxon are together."

I rubbed my head in frustration. "He's just going have to be mad at himself. I could care less about he feels."

He sighed in annoyance. "You don't know what he's capable of, Kimora. Ask Jaxon." Before I could say anything else, he walked off to his SUV and drove off. I stood there still bewildered by the news that was shared with me. Axel could hurt me and the people I care about... just when things started to go in a positive direction.

"So eager that you're waiting outside for me?"

I glanced up at Jaxon who was walking up to me. A smile instantly went on my face. "No but, whatever helps you sleep at night."

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. Those worries I had seemed to wash away. Funny how I'm way more comfortable in his arms now. He pulled away briefly with a puzzled look on his face. "What?"

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now