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a/n: for when Jaxon and Kimora start dancing together ;)


"We made a deal and you broke it." He said, pulling the brass knuckle onto his hand. I didn't bother tugging my arms. I knew damn well his men wouldn't let me go. He stepped closer to me and I glared up at him. "You think this is a fucking game, Falls?"

I grinned. "Yeah. I'm having fun. What about you?"

His jaw clenched and he raised his fist.


I snapped out of my daydream, turning to Kimora who looked at me slightly concerned. I looked behind her to the large mansion up the small hill. All the lights were on and there were drunk kids lingering around. The music was blasting, I could hear it over the engine.

Oh right, we were going to Maddy's party.

"You alright?" She asked and I could see the care in her light brown eyes. She cared too much about me. I didn't like it. Nor did I hate it either. I don't get why she does sometimes.

I smirked, leaning closer to her over the seat. "No, not really. Want to make me feel better?"

She rolled her eyes -which she does a lot- and got out of the car. I laughed, getting out myself. I jogged catching up with her even though I would've enjoyed walking behind her. She kept walking towards Maddy's mansion, looking straight ahead as if I wasn't here.

I smiled. "You look hot, Kitten."

"I told you not to say anything about this damn costume." She snapped back at me. Her cheeks slightly getting redder under her whiskers. She is so perfect.

"No compliment for me?" I fake pouted. She stopped walking and quickly scanned me while I took the chance to look at her. She had little black things on her eye that I think girls call eye pointer or something like that. Either way, it added to the rest of her costume. She was wearing a velvet black bodysuit with a deep 'V' in the middle of her chest that was see through but, not completely noticeable. It shaped her body perfectly. Her curly hair was brushed up into a high ponytail and she had kitty ears.

Shit. Audrey was trying to kill me.

"You look... nice." Kimora cleared her throat as her ears got a little red which happened every time she lied. I figured it out when we went on our date. I see why she always leaves her hair down.

"I'm pretty sure any other girl here would have a different opinion, Kitten." I smirked and she glared at me, seeming angry. "I hope you catch something." I laughed, following her as she tried to storm off in her heels.

She was definitely something else.

We walked into the crowded foyer. Couple kissing while some people watched them in disgust but, kept dancing to the loud ass music. There were maids carrying around trays with cups. One maid was staring at me but, she quickly looked away.


My fangirls were all huddled in a corner and they spotted me. I didn't want to deal with them not tonight. I wrapped my arm Kimora's waist and she shot a glare at me but, she brushed it off. I knew that if I was around Kimora, they wouldn't come any closer. They were afraid of her which was good. I needed a safe haven.

I watched Kimora as she picked up a cup from the tray the maid that was staring at me carried. There was something fizzing in the cup. Kimora slowly lifted it up to her lips. I quickly changed my footing and she bumped into someone, spilling the drink on the floor.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now