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"Come on, Kimora! We're going to be late!" Matthew shouted for the fifth time in a row.

"Shut up! We got another hour!" I rolled my eyes, finally putting my hair into a low ponytail. Today was Matthew's game. I was going to support him even though I barely knew about basketball myself but, this was important to Matthew. Since Matthew's team color was red, white, and black, I dressed up in a red high-low shirt and some white shorts along with my red shoes and my white hat that said 'Daddy' in red across the front of it.

Today was surprisingly hot so I was going to take advantage of the bipolar weather. I know soon that the hot weather would be gone after the Senior's field trip in a few weeks, it was definitely going to be cold and it was going to be the end of wearing crop tops and shorts for a while.

"You're still getting ready?" I glanced at Matthew in my mirror he was wearing his red basketball uniform that had the number 16 on the front of it. It still startles me with how mature he looks for just a middle schooler. I smiled subconsciously before going back to doing my makeup. "Yes and I'm not running late for once so don't rush me."

He rolled his eyes. "You're only getting so dolled up since Jaxon is coming."

I dropped my mascara, spinning around in the chair. "J-Jaxon is coming?!"

"Yeah, remember he and his family said they were coming when we had dinner with them." He raised an eyebrow. He gave me the 'weren't you listening?' look. My hands started to get clammy as I thought about seeing Jaxon. Ever since I rejected his question for me to his girlfriend, he's still been hanging around me as normal but, he obviously had something in up his sleeve. All of my friends seemed to be in on too but, no one bothered to utter a word to me.

I hate it but, at the same time, I was a ball of a nervous wreck.

"I need to change my outfit." I got up but, Matthew sat me back down in the chair. "No! Just finish your makeup and let's go."


"Kimora, if you take any more of our time, we're going to be late," Matthew said. He is obviously infuriated with my indecisiveness. I sighed, waving my hand. "Fine. I'll be quick."


"By the way, where are Mom and Dad?" I asked, noticing that it's Matthew rushing me.

"They left off to meet up with Janet and Derek because they wanted to help lead them to the game since we're going to a far school to play." He elaborated. I slowly nodded and finished off with lip gloss.

"Oh wait." Matthew shuffled through his backpack before pulling out a small thing of red paint. He put his finger in the red paint before quickly swiping it across my cheek.

"Matthew! You idiot! Why would you do that?!" I ran over to the mirror making sure he didn't make me look like a fool. It didn't look bad but, I was going to tell him that yet.

He laughed. "You know you have to wear some kind of paint to a sports game."

"Well, I could've put it on myself!" I snatched the paint from his hands and added another line to my other cheek before giving him it back. We both were ready to go and I made sure to gather a few things before we left out the door.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw Jaxon standing there waiting for us. He was on his phone so he couldn't see me gawking. He looked so good today. He was wearing a red shirt sleeveless shirt so his muscles and tattoos were on full display. He wore black ripped jeans and red shoes. He even wore a black hat. Ugh, what was I thinking about saying no?! He's perfect!

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now