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a/n: this song melts my cold heart and fits them so well. ;')

i think you guys will like this chapter...


I was worried about Kamila's well being. She was gazing at the carnival as if it was the most beautiful thing in the universe. The rest of us weren't as excited as her to be here. I was really excited too. This carnival looked so fun. All the faraway games, rides, and Ferris wheel glistened in neon bright colors that changed making different shapes. It was crowded and kids were running around with their families. The smell of nearby food stands filled my nose.

"It's so cold," Mare complained, hugging herself even though she had a jacket on and Sean had his arm around her. I had to agree with her. Jaxon's leather jacket wasn't doing anything against this cold wind smacking us all in our faces.

"We should make another campfire!" Kamila suggested. We all shook our heads. She frowned but, her smile quickly came back. "Okay, everyone! Where shall we go first?!"

Trent, equally excited, pointed at the carousel. "Let's go on that."

Without talking with us, they both ran off together. It was pretty cute. My stomach grumbled. Lauren, who tagged along, laughed at me along with Audrey and Mare since they were nearby.

"I'm hungry..." I pouted and Audrey raised an eyebrow. "You just ate not too long ago."

I shushed her and she shook her head. Jaxon, Caleb, Tyler, and Sean were already heading to the carousel so we didn't bother stopping them as the four of us went to get cotton candy. It wasn't food but, Audrey said that I should just snack on something until the rest of us were hungry too.

It was the best I was going to get so I gladly accepted it.

"So, how's Kitcap?" Lauren asked as we waited for our cotton candy. Right, she hasn't been caught up on everything since she goes to another school. The only reason she did is because she pulled a bad prank on the principal and they expelled her. Kinda sucks not being able to see her much anymore.

I smiled. "We're doing just fine. What about you and Caleb? I haven't heard much from you two."

She raised an eyebrow. "Is there supposed to be a thing?"

"She's oblivious to Caleb's feelings," Audrey whispered. Mare overheard too and giggled. I thought Audrey and Tyler were bad with their friends with benefits until they finally got together but, Caleb is just stuck in the friend zone. Ouch...

I waved my hand. "Actually, forget about it."

Lauren looked lost before she shrugged. We all got our cotton candy and we made sure to get some for the others in case they complained. Heading back, we say Jaxon, Caleb, Sean, and Tyler were just standing off to the side and not in line while Trent and Kamila were happily enjoying themselves on the colorful horses.

"Why aren't you guys riding?" Mare asked, handing Sean his cotton candy and gave a small thank you.

Tyler sighed. "It looks uncomfortable. I don't know how Trent is doing it without his manhood hurting." Audrey rolled her eyes but, ended up laughing at them all. "You boys are ridiculous."

"Is that for me Kitten?" Jaxon asked as the rest of them broke off into their own conversation.

"Yeppers." I handed one to him and he gladly took it. "Thank you. So how about we sneak off and go do something else?"

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now