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I'm sure Kimora's father wants to kill me.

And after that, resurrect even kill me again.

If I was him, I probably would too after seeing your only daughter straddling over a guy. It was shocking of course. However, I'd feel guilty if it was my fault but, Kimora choose herself to get on my lap.  Mr. Woods walked me outside, apparently, he wanted to "talk". However, I'm sure it'll be a "I-talk-you-listen" conversation.

Mr. Woods took off his glasses, rubbing his eyes as if he was trying to get rid of the scene from earlier.  "Listen, Jaxon..." He sighed, putting his glasses back on and meeting my eye again. "I don't know what your motives are but, Kimora's been through a lot. I don't want my hija to experience heartbreak all over again." This man truly cared for his daughter. I couldn't help but, smile and he eyed me suspiciously. "What are you smiling about?"

"I admire that you care for your daughter so much but, you have nothing to worry about. I care about Kimora as much as you do. She's perfect to me."

He nodded, grabbing my shoulder. "It's good to hear. But..." His grip got firmer, applying pressure to my pressure point. Pain struck throughout my body and I held my ground. What the hell? "If you hurt her, I will hurt you. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." He grinned, letting go of my shoulder and walked towards his door. I rotated my shoulder, relieving it from its pain. He doesn't appear to be harmful but, he was strong as shit. I overlooked this man. This man can be intimidating when he wanted but, I find it all amusing. He has no idea who I am. "And if I catch you having my daughter in a position like that again." He said, turning to me. "You're dead, boy."

"You got it, sir." I finger-snapped at him. He rolled his eyes, walking into his home, and slamming the door shut. Kimora is more like her father than I thought.

My phone vibrated in my pocket and I pulled it out, seeing it was an unknown caller. No matter how many times I've seen unknown, I knew it was the same person every time. I sighed, answering the phone as I made my way to my car.

"Why are you talking to her after she found out everything?" He said bitterly.

"So you've sent spies." I changed the subject, seeing a man that was sitting in a black Honda Civic that I've noticed earlier when I first arrived at Kimora's house to apologize. He looked like another ordinary person compared to the previous spies that he tried to send for me. His tactics are getting better and that slightly worried me.

"Of course, I did." I could see him rolling his eyes on the other side of the phone. "Kimora doesn't want you."

I chuckled while putting the key in the ignition, bringing the car to life. "Kimora said that she doesn't care and if you wanted her, you'd talk to her yourself. If you don't believe me, you can always ask your pathetic spy." There was a long silence on the other side of the line before the call went dead.

I smirked, driving off to Tyler's house since we had business to take care of. I was about to put my phone back in my pocket but, I felt it vibrate again. I connected my phone to the Bluetooth in the radio and answered it seeing it was Kimora.

"Couldn't be away from me for too long?" I asked condescendingly.

She scoffed. "Don't flatter yourself."

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now