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It's been three months since we told everyone that I was pregnant. Kamila and Trent insisted they'd plan the baby shower and gender reveal party that was tomorrow. Weird to have two in one but, Jaxon recommended it. He said he had a "gut feeling" that that was we should do so I went along with it. I learned by now that Jaxon's gut feelings are right.

Yet, that wasn't the only good news. Our house that was finally finished renovating and Jaxon and I moved in. It was wayyy nicer than our apartments of course. Not to mention, I felt safer here than I ever did.

Currently, I was sitting on the couch with Jaxon while I was scrolling through my phone and he read pregnancy books. Wait. What?

I pinch myself to make sure I'm not hallucinating and I wasn't. Jaxon is reading. I don't think I ever saw him read a book except for when we were in school. He peeled his eyes away from the book, looking at me. "We can feel the babies move at this stage."

I blushed. "I-I know. Unfortunately, they haven't yet." I rubbed my baby bump that was much more prominent. "They are lazy." 

"Yes, they are." He lifted up my shirt, kissing my belly. I felt a tingly sensation but, I knew his touch was much more sensitive now. I didn't tell him that though considering that he'd probably use that to his advantage since he's so handsy.

"Move your little asses! I want to see you kick your Mommy!" Jaxon shouted at my stomach. I hit him in the head and he pouted. "You're so violent."

"I'm going through pain for a few more months and I don't want to feel pain anymore." I huffed, getting up from the couch. Jaxon quickly wrapped his arms around my waist. "Okay. Okay. I'm sorry, Kitten."


"I'll deduct fifty kisses."

I rolled my eyes. I still can't believe he's keeping that up. Turning to him, he looked up at me with puppy dog eyes. I giggled, pushing hands off of me. "Alright. Alright. Now let me go take a shower." He finally let me go and I quickly went upstairs. I took a quick shower and went into my closet to find an outfit.

The girls and I were going to go out today and go shopping. I was pretty siked about it since I feel like we all haven't hung out in a little while. We've all been busy doing our own thing.

Finally, settling on a blue romper with long flowy sleeves. I would wear the maternity clothes that my Mom got me but, they weren't that cute. Of course, I didn't say that to her. I only smiled and said thank you.

I slipped romper and it was kinda tight around my belly but, I could manage. I put on some matching blue flats and put my hair in a bun, leaving a few curly strands loose. After lightly putting on makeup and adding a few more accessories, I was ready to go.

I checked myself out in the mirror before nodding myself an approval. Grabbing my keys, purse, and phone, I headed back downstairs and I heard him talking with someone else. As I walked into the living room, Tyler was sitting there with Jaxon. Tyler smiled, getting up from the couch. "There's the woman of the hour."

I smiled, giving Tyler a hug before he plopped back down next to Jaxon. "You look very pregnant."

"Thank you?" I laughed unsure if that was a compliment or just an awkward conversation starter. I really couldn't tell.

"Where are you heading off to?" Jaxon asked, his eyes trailing all over me before meeting my eye.

"The girls and I are going shopping. Do you need anything?" I asked as he stood up from the couch.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now