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I watched from a distance at the wedding. I could practically see Jaxon's grin from here. Along with his children and newly wedded wife. I understand why I got the invitation. He wanted to show off that he won. I couldn't help the smile on my face. That prick.



"Why are we here?"

I rolled my eyes, glaring across the back of the limo to my son. He jumped and his blue eyes darted down at his lap as his brown hair flopped over his eyes. "Non distogliere lo sguardo da me! (Don't look away from me!) Do you honestly expect to take over the mafia with being weak?" He reluctantly lifted his head to look back up at me in the eye. Yet, he kept fidgeting with his fingers. I looked back out at the window. I guess I need to put the boy into shape with more stricter methods.

I looked at Jaxon's kids. I remember their names from what my spies told me. The snotty nose boy is Carson and the smiling little girl is Elena. They should be 6, an age younger than Graham...

The gears in my head start shifting. A smirk settled on my face. That's it... I know exactly how to get back at him for leaving me stuck in this death trap of a loveless marriage. He doesn't deserve to be happy. I turned to my son as he stared back at me. I hope you're ready for when the day comes, Jaxon.

Because this isn't over.



a/n: i'm wiping tears guys. writing their proposal again is everything to me. i really love these two with the bottom of my heart and it's finally the end of their journey. i appreciate you all.

so happy new years!

and see you all in the sequel. ;)


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The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now