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"Oh, my God!"

"It's Jaxon Falls!"

I rolled my eyes. Here we go again.

I leaned against my locker, watching the group of girls squeal and swoon as they surrounded the player himself.

Jaxon Falls. The only name that could make a girl want to drop down to their knees and kiss the ground he walks on. Not me at least. Striking brown eyes, tan skin with only a few imperfections but, he managed to pull him off, jawline looked like it could cut any girl's heart, and messy black hair.

I hate him so much.

"Kimoraaa!" I felt arms wrapped around me. "Hey, Audrey."

She smiled, her red hair popping from over my shoulder. "Whatcha up to?"

I nodded my head towards the group of girls squealing. She glanced at the scene before turning to me smirking. Her green eyes were glistening with mischief.

"Drooling over Jaxon again, huh?"

I glared at her. "No. You know I don't like him."

She tilted her head to the side and lifted a brow. "Why don't you like him again?"

"Because he's a player only wanting to break girls' hearts as if it's some kind of game," I argued.

  You act like you're innocent. I pushed the nagging thought in the back of my head, ignoring it.

 "Most girls are just blinded by his good looks to see that he is a heartless jerk." Audrey's eyes went big. Yeah, she finally realized it now too. "Plus he gives me the chills. It makes me uncomfortable."

"Hey, Audrey." The sound of a deep voice made me jump. I quickly turned around to be face-to-face more like face-to-chest with Jaxon. I hope he didn't hear what I said. He looked at me before gazing straight ahead at Audrey who was smirking.

Wait a minute. She knew he was behind me and didn't say anything?!

The guilt is eating away at me. I was talking about him and probably heard every word.

"Hey." Audrey waved at him as if there wasn't just an awkward moment between him and me just now. He nodded and walked away as the group of fangirls followed behind him.

As soon as he was out of earshot, Audrey started laughing and I felt my face burning with embarrassment. "It's not funny." I groaned.

She wiped a tear from her eye. "It was. You should've seen the look on your face."

"I hate you so much." I stormed off to my next class.

"Love you too!"


All I wanted was to sleep.

I was exhausted. Staying up late to study for the Calculus test later this week wasn't a bright idea.

Mr. Franklin was giving instructions about some partner project we'd be doing today. It's still the beginning of the school year. Why would he do a project when some students are still being switched and put into appropriate classes? I don't understand this man.

He had blonde hair with white strips, showing his age. Glasses over his narrow brown eyes. His lips seemed permanently stuck in a frown. Though, it may seem like I hate him. I don't. He was one of my favorite teachers. He isn't on my case like everyone else.

He started calling out partners. I rested my head down on the desk and closed my eyes, planning how I was going to get rid of my partner.

It's not that I'm antisocial. I love talking to people as long as they like talking to me. What I didn't like about sharing an assignment is relying on the other person. If they don't do their end of the project, it's all up to me. Which happened often throughout my years in high school. I didn't want to risk a burden.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now