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a/n: two chapters because your girl loves staying up late writing and falling in sleep in class. :D


"You son a bitch!"

Within seconds, I was on top of Maddy, reading to punch her. I don't know why I was hesitating. I didn't do it with Brooke and there isn't anyone here to stop me from beating her ass. Maybe it was because she had a smile on her face and wasn't defending herself. I wasn't going to fight with someone who didn't at least fight back.

When she noticed I wasn't caving her face in, she glared at me and the smile was no longer there. "Why aren't you doing anything?"

"I should be asking you the same thing." I bit back. "Why did you confess to shooting me?"

"It was no fun not knowing if you knew. For a smart girl, you really can be oblivious."

I got off of her, realizing the real reason she wanted me to hit her. "You wanted me to injury you so you wouldn't be arrested for attempted murder and it'd be mutual conflict..."

She smirked, getting up from the tiles herself. "I have an excuse for you not to hit me now. Can't mess up this beautiful face of mine." She fixed her shiny blonde curls. I clenched my fists, wanting to rip each and every curl out of her head. "You'll still be arrested at the end of the day."

"Not if you don't make it out of here."

"And who's going to stop me?"

I expected her to pull a gun out like she did before but, no. She pointed at me and I didn't know what she was talking about, gazing down. I looked at the blood seeping through the hospital gown. It was like it was a trigger and pain erupted in that area.

Damn. I opened my stitches.

"You might want to call a doctor for that." She sashayed out of the room, her heels clicking against the title and echoing in the quiet room. I could still hear them along with her menacing laugh as she walked down the hall. It was so haunting.

She's going to pay as soon as I get the chance.



Kamila smiled, settling down my school work and her notes that I could refer to. "It's no problem. I thought Jaxon got your homework for you all the time."

I sighed. "I don't have a clue where Captain Douche is. He's been gone for a while." I played with my thumbs, not looking at her anymore. A thought passed through my mind. I felt ashamed for not trusting Jaxon for a second but-

"Uh-uh. No, stop it, Kimora." Kamila put her hands on his giving me a glare. Any other time, I would laugh at how she is trying to be angry. "Jaxon wouldn't dare. Jaxon wouldn't fight for you and stay in a hospital for you for days if he was just going run out and cheat on you."

"I know..." I sighed again. "I'm starting to feel like a burden."

"Don't worry, my sweet cousin." She smiled, plopping down on the edge of the bed beside me. "You'll be out of here in no time and when you get out, we'll go to a carnival to cheer you up!" She gasped, putting her hand on her chin. "Or maybe the beach. Wait! Or we can have a sleepover at my house!" She started rambling off ideas about where the two and the rest of the gang could spend time together.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now