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a/n: bitch, i'm a cow.


"Jaxon! Kimora! Wake up!"

"For what?" I heard Jaxon grumble while still half in my sleep.

"You'll find out." The hushed whisper said. Jaxon's warmth left me and I already missed it. Just great. "Quiero volver a dormir... (I want to go back to sleep...)" I whined, rubbing my eyes. Who was waking us up anyway? I peeled open my eyes and from the looks of the darkness poking through the tent, it was obvious it wasn't even morning yet.

Jaxon got out of the tent and I reluctantly followed him out. The whole crew was waiting there for us along with a whole lot of seniors hanging outside of their tents. "What's going on?" Jaxon asked, his voice still groggy and deep but, my goodness, he still sounded sexy.

"We're playing manhunt since tonight is our last night." Kamila chirped but, kept her voice low. Everyone started talking all at once but, someone in the crowd shushed everyone.

I was a bit pissed they all woke us up to do something so childish. But, my child side of me definitely was leaping with joy after hearing those words. Manhunt didn't sound like a terrible idea. Even though we all would get in trouble and it's pretty easy to get lost in this forest.

"Come on, Kimora. Live a little." Audrey nudged me and I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't even going to say no but, you guys owe me pancakes for waking me up," I said pointedly towards Kamila and Audrey.

"Okay, since there is a large group of us. I think there should be -at the most- six hunters while we rest of us hide." Someone, I think his name was Cody Wild or something along those lines, suggested. There were some disagreements about how there should only be one person. They are certainly crazy to think someone would go looking for all of us in this damn forest all alone with no light source. If I was it, my puny phone couldn't light up anything.

Luckily, the majority ruled over having six people. Six people gladly volunteered and I was surprised to see that Mare and Sean were included.

"You guys don't want to hide?" I asked and Mare shrugged. "Boring waiting for someone to find me."

Sean nodded. "I think it's much more fun chasing after everyone."

"Alright!" Kamila clapped her hands together. I guess she was the leader of this whole fiasco. Explains why were are playing this game. "Now that that's settled, let's play!"

With that, everyone scattered in different directions but, some stayed huddled in small groups to coordinate their plans of how not to get caught. It only made people more anxious with the hunters who were counting down from 100 in eerie voices. I'm sure the teachers could probably hear us.

Everything was happening so fast and I ended up losing all of my friends in the mix. I tried to look over people but, my height made me unlucky this time and it was really dark so I couldn't make out any faces from people who were far.

Suddenly, my wrist was grabbed and I was tugged off in the opposite direction of where the majority of the group was going. I tripped over a few tree roots hiding under the fallen leaves, trying to make out the features of the person that had a strong hold on me. The little light I had was from the moon glistening down didn't help. I knew it was a girl with blonde hair that shined from the moonlight. Her nails were clawing into my skin, it was becoming painful.

"Umm... who are you?" I asked. She didn't say anything but, she picked up her pace.

Okay, she's not going to ignore me.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now