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"I hate packing." I breathed out as I placed the last box in the mix of other boxes that were scattered all around the living room. I was glad to see that we were finally finished with moving everything.

I felt someone behind me and I relaxed, relishing in Jaxon's cologne. I felt his head on my shoulder as he let out an exhausted sigh. I giggled, stroking his hair as we sat down on the floor against a wall.

"Someone sure is exhausted."

"Moving is exhausting." He stated before closing his eyes, nuzzling his face into my neck. I blushed when I felt his lips brush my skin. Goodness, I'm glad he can't see my face. "You smell so nice, Kitten."

"S-Shut up and go to sleep."

It's been a few days since we went house hunting and we got a call from the lady yesterday and she said we could move in sooner than we thought. I asked Jaxon what was up with him wanting to move so soon. He said he wanted to do it all before school started up again. However, I doubt that was the reason. There was more to the story that he wasn't telling me.

I wasn't really complaining though. I was excited about this place and I know that Jaxon and I were going to make good memories ourselves here.

"You know, I think this is the longest you have ever been winning a bet," Jaxon said out of the blue.

"Shut up. I will win this bet." The determination was running through my veins. It's my turn to finally make him do what I wanted him to do. I just need him to fall into my spell sooner or later. I know one thing for sure is that he can't help his urges from touching me. 

"Mhm. You only got one day left. You mind as well give up now." He hummed, sarcastic dripping from his tone. I slapped his arm making him jerk up. "Ow?"

"That's what you get from being an ass."

He crossed his arms, leaning back on the wall. "You've only won one bet between us."

"And this will be the second." I stood up from the floor, doing a cat stretch. "Alright. Break time is over. This furniture isn't going to unpack itself."

"Yeah. Yeah." Jaxon yawned, getting up from the floor.

By the time Jaxon and I were officially finished with moving, it was 3 AM. We both were satisfied with how it all turned out. I didn't have a lot of my clothes with me since I donated most of them because I couldn't exactly fit all of them due to the fact that I hoarded everything from when I was a child and some things couldn't fit. Yet, I'll solve this issue by wearing Jaxon's clothes until I felt like shopping for more.

We sat at the dining table, eating take out since neither of us didn't feel like cooking after our long day of work. I texted Audrey that she better be ready tomorrow morning for me to pick her up. She sent me a thumbs up. Before I could turn off my phone, I got an unknown text message with an address and I knew it was Axel. He simply said to be there tomorrow night.

Well, I guess I can't back down from this. I placed my phone down on the table and glanced up to find Jaxon already staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "Do you have a staring problem?"

"Maybe. Not my fault you're so irresistible." His lack of sleep made his voice raspy and I was doing something to me. It didn't help that we were already sitting next to each other. 

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now