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"Look Kimora! It's a Barney snowglobe!" Kamila beamed as she lifted up the fragile globe.

I laughed as Caroline shook her head. "You're so childish."

"But you still love me." She stated, placing the snowglobe in the small basket before joining us again. Currently, we were at the mall looking for a wedding gift for my Aunt and soon to be Uncle. It was pretty hard since they probably owned all the luxurious items. Yet, Caroline agreed to help us out so we knew what the perfect gift would be for the lovely couple.

Originally, Jaxon was going to be here but, my Dad stole him from me this morning when we left out our hotel room. I have no idea why but, maybe it's just going to be him lecturing Jaxon or something.

"Hey, Kimora." Caroline's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. "So, uh, about Jaxon..." She paused, stopping from walking around the store to look at me. "Are you like into him?"

I raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I mean, not to bring up the past but..." She trailed off.

I got angry that she would even think I'd be using Jaxon for my own personal ego. Jaxon is different and I'm with him because I love him. "Don't question me or my relationship."

Caroline frowned. "It was just a question."

Kamila cleared her throat, stepping in between to create a wedge in the tension. "H-Hey girls. Let's not make a scen-"

"It was obviously you were trying to imply something, cousin dearest." I clenched my fists. "Say what you were going to say."

"Kimora, you're getting angry for no reason. I wasn't trying to say anything." She put her hands up in defense. However, her eyes were calling me names. I've seen it before.

For a moment, I let myself slip into a part of me that I tried to hide. "Jaxon only made me realize last night how you obviously have a crush on him but, news flash, he's mine and don't think an immature girl like you will ever match up to him."

After those words left my lips, I watched as her hand raised.



"I'm going to eliminate you."

"I'd like to see you try, Marcus." I joked.

"Don't call me by my name."

I laughed as he glared at me before turning back TV screen. I had to admit, Marcus was a lot more fun than I thought. Then again, I was surprised that he even came up to me this morning and asked for me. He didn't say anything though. 

Finally, we finished playing the game and Marcus won. I expected to rub it in my face but, he got serious. 

"I'm sure you're wondering why I called you over." He paused, taking a deep breath. "Well, I did some thinking recently about what you asked me a while ago and I decided to give you the okay to marry Kimora."

"Seriously?!" I leaped from the chair and he nodded, standing up too. "I realized that you make her happy and-" I gave Marcus a hug. "Thanks, Dad!"

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now