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"I'm okay, Mom," I said for about the millionth time as my Mom cried in French, clenching onto me for her dear life. She made it seem like I was dead. I know the came in here while I was asleep yesterday so I know she's glad I'm awake now. I rubbed her back soothingly as she cried on my shoulder. My Dad smiled, staring down at the both of us. "I'm glad you're okay, Kimora."

"Me too..." I smiled back and my Mom pulled away, wiping her face with the back of her hand. "Je ne te laisse jamais sortir de ma vue. (I'm never letting you go out of my sight again.)"

"Mama..." I frowned, not really liking the idea of my Mom keeping me hostage inside the house or breathing down my neck when I go out.

"Instead of that," My Dad started. "Kimora, you have to call us every time you're out and have someone with you."

I nodded. "Okay."

It's going to be a pain in the ass... "Do you remember anything?" My Dad asked and I shook my head, to say no. Everyone keeps asking me that question over and over. I really don't remember anything. My memory is pretty much a blur. It stressed me out most of all. I want to know who shot me as much as anybody else.

There was a hard knock at the door and we all shared a look, already knowing who was there. "Come in." My Dad said.

Two policemen entered the room along with Dr. Blake. "Sorry to disturb you but, these policemen need you to file a report."

"I don't..." I trailed off, taking a look at the policemen who looked pretty intimidating. However, the one on the right had discretely winked at me. It wasn't a flirtatious wink. It must've been a sign. "You don't what?" Dr. Blake asked.

I shook my head. "Nevermind. I do remember a little bit. I don't know if you can work with that."

The older man on the left had glared. "Of course we can. We are police officers."

"Pretty conceited of you to say." My Dad remarked, not even hiding the glare on his face. My Mom whispered something in his ear, probably telling him to calm down.

Oh right, my Dad doesn't like cops.

"I'll question, the young lady, Rich." The one who winked said. 'Rich' nodded and asked for my parents to come with me before leaving out the room with my parents and Dr. Blake following after. The door closed softly and the police officer smiled. "Kimora Woods, your Jaxon's girl, correct?"

"That's none of your business. Introduce yourself first and unarm yourself." I crossed my arms, sitting up on the hospital bed.

He nodded. "Okay." He unstrapped his gun, placing it on the floor before kicking it under the bed. I really didn't expect him that to be so easy. "I'm Kyle Moon. I came on the behalf of Christine Russo, Axel Salgado's fiancé."

"Who?" I asked.


"No, I heard what you said. I'm just not sure why I have any importance to her when I don't even know her."

He sat down in a chair that was far away from the bed. Which is good, I didn't want him near me. "You'll probably know her fake name. Christine Rachel. She's a teen model." I raised an eyebrow and he realized that still didn't know. "Anyways, she just wants me to stay here until her business is done with Jaxon."

The heart monitor gave up my rapid heartbeat and Kyle smirked. "So you really are his girl."

"What are you talking about, business? Where is he?" I clenched the sheets under me. Not too long ago when I woke up, Janet and Derek both told me he went out to get me food but, I'm guessing that woman had found him before he could come back. Jaxon has a smart ass mouth so I'm hoping he holds back his witty comments and not do anything foolish.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now