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a/n: three chapters in one day? someone give me an award.


"Hey, Jaxon."

Someone kept shaking me and I opened my eyes to see my Mother standing over me with my Dad behind her. At first, I was confused about my whereabouts then everything came back to me to me.

Kimora got shot and she's in the hospital...

I gazed down at Kimora who was sleeping on me. I carefully got out of the bed, stretching as my Mom began to talk. "How is she?"

"She's stable but, the doctor didn't say how long it'll take for her to recover," I explained. I really hope she recovers quickly.

My Dad sighed, staring down at Kimora's form. "Jaxon, I hate to ask but, is it that boy who is always tormenting you?" Him saying that ticked a nerve. Axel...

I gotta confront him and see if this was his fault. "I'm going to find out." I grabbed my jacket, about to head to the door but, my Dad grabbed my shoulder. 

"You need to be here with Kimora, son. Don't risk ending up in the same state as her. We all don't need that."

I know we didn't. Everyone is pretty torn about Kimora but, I had to get answers. I doubt Axel and I will be any one of throwing punches since he's so "in love" with Kimora. I gave my Dad a reassuring look. "I'll be alright." My eyes wandered over to Kimora and I sighed. "If she asks where I am, tell her that I just went to get food for her or something."

"Right." My Mom said half-heartedly. The worried look on her face didn't fall. "Don't worry, I'll be fine, Mom." She nodded, gazing down at the white marble floor. "At least change into something else, you have blood all over you."

I looked down at myself and she was right. I was covered in Kimora's blood. How couldn't I realize it before? Disgust crawled over my skin and I agreed, closing the door behind me.


"What are you doing here?" Kevin asked as I trudged up the dirt path to the warehouse, Axel's base. I ignored him, pushing past both of him and the other guard who was on duty. Something I always wanted to do but, I held back.

Who are they to question me?

Besides, if I did wait for them to tell Axel I was here, I'll lose the chance to catch him by surprise. I pushed back the doors, the loud music blocked out the sound of the doors slamming against the walls. It was still late night so I could see the club was still running. I breezed through the barely dressed girls, drunk men, and guards making my way to the room I knew Axel would be planning his schemes.

Opening the door, Axel jolted up from his cluttered desk. "Surprise!" I greeted him just as cold metal pressed against the back of my head. I shoved my hands in my pockets as if there wasn't a gun ready to kill me.

"He just rushed right through, boss." Kevin sneered. "I'll take him out."

Axel glared at Kevin behind me. "No. Just leave us."



Kevin slowly removed the gun from my head. His heavy footsteps faded away and the door shut close. It was just Axel and I. There was surely tension but, Axel chuckled, remembrance passing through his eyes. I forgot he knew how to laugh. "Idiota. (Dumbass.) You could've gotten killed and yet, you ran in here."

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now