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Waking up in Paris was one thing but, waking up with Kimora in my arms made this trip way more spectacular.

I woke up before her. Instead of getting up and getting ready for the day, I wanted to stay here in the moment. It's crazy how a girl can make me forget about everything else and become my whole world. My waking thoughts and dreams. The only one who knows me and loves me for me as much as I love her.

I brushed a strand of her curly hair out of her face. I was glad that yesterday went well with meeting her family. Especially her grandparents. I know Kimora had said her grandparents were pretty stern about her speaking French. I wanted to impress them and speaking to her grandparents in French was just the way to do it. I decided to take some lessons from Abella a few weeks prior to our trip. Honestly, I'm not sure how Kimora can handle knowing three languages at once. Shit's hard.

Kimora stirred out of her sleep. She slowly opened her eyes, meeting my gaze and she gave me that award-winning smile. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I smiled back at her.

"What time is it?" She leaned up from the bed, covering herself with the blanket. She picked up her phone from the end table, squinting at it. "It's 10:32 AM."

I furrowed my eyebrows, staring out the window at the fact that it looked like it was the middle of the day. "Kimora, we're in France, remember?"

"Oh right. Um... it's 4:33 PM." She placed her phone back down on the end table. "We should start getting ready."

"For what?"

Kimora blinked at me and I still didn't understand what we were getting ready for still. She sighed. "Chris is throwing a dinner party."

Oh yeah. I totally forgot about that.

I got up from the bed and Kimora followed suit, picking up the blanket to wrap herself in. I noticed her trying to play off her soreness.

"What are you smirking about?" She clenched the blanket.

I shook my head. "Nothing. Let's go take our shower."

And so we did.

Then, we got dressed and Kimora wanted to match so I agreed. I don't even think I had a choice.

She wore sheer black leggings and a long navy blue sleeve dress. So simple and not even revealing, she still looked good as hell. She even straightened her hair.

I pulled on a navy blue turtleneck and just some black jeans. I decided to do something new with my hair and slick it back but, some pieces of hair kept falling. I just said fuck it and kept it moving because I still looked good anyway.

"You take more time than me to do your hair." Kimora joked, leaning on the doorway to the bathroom as she watched me in the mirror.

"It takes dedication to look this good, Kimora."

She rolled her eyes and I saw her take me in. "You look... fine."

"Fine?" I spun around to her, crossing my arms. "Jaxon Falls doesn't ever look fine and we both know that."

She blinked. "You're so full of yourself."

"Ouch?" I faked hurt, placing my hand over my heart. She ignored it, walking away. "Let's go, Captain Douche. It's already 7:32!"

"Alright. Alright..."


We made it to Kimora's Aunt and Uncle's place and I parked behind the several rows of cars. This really must be a big dinner party. Kimora and I held hands, walking inside to the warm and humble feeling of a good home and chatter as music played.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now