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I smiled, getting tackled by Kamila's hug. I giggled, hugging her back. "Hey, Kamila. You're going to knock us on the floor one day."

She pulled away with a frown. "It felt like forever since you've been gone but, we got a new friend!"

I raised an eyebrow as she dragged me over to my locker. Audrey was talking to the new girl and she was really pretty. Her dark freckled skin looked so smooth, her big pouty lips wore bold dark red lipstick, her dark brown eyes, her dark brown hair was short and in a wavy mess but, she pulled it off. She had curves too and I felt a little self-conscious about my own. She was gorgeous.

"Kimora, meet Mare Simmons, the new girl! Mare, meet Kimora Woods, my cousin!" Kamila introduced and she took in my appearance before she looked impressed. "You're a bad bitch."

I laughed. "So are you." I liked her already. She and I were going to get along just fine.

"Kimora hardly lets anyone in our circle," Audrey spoke up, wrapping her arm around my shoulder. Mare tilted her head. "Circle?"

"Yeah!" Kamila chirped. "There's me, Audrey, Lauren -Audrey's twin who doesn't go here, Kimora, Tyler, Trent, Caleb, and Jaxon. You're our newest addition!"

She nodded, taking in all the names. "Thanks. I'm honored, I think? This isn't some sort of cult right?"

"No." We all said and she sighed in relief. "Okay. Good."

"Another new student!"

I rolled my eyes, not yet used to Maddy coming out of nowhere just to start something up. Maddy held her hand out for Mare to take. "Madison Green."

"Go away, Maddy. You're ruining the mood." Kamila frowned.

Maddy glared at her. "I am just introducing myself. All the students in this school deserve to know who I am."

Audrey scoffed. "Yeah, we all know you're a backstabbing bitch." 

Maddy blew a breath out in frustration. As if she waiting for something, she narrowed her eyes at me. I don't understand what she expects from me. I was going to stay out of drama today because I just got back from suspension and I surely didn't want to go back. She flipped her hair over her shoulder, sashaying down the hall.

Mare whistled lowly. "Wow. I'm guessing she's a mean girl or something."

"Something like that." I shrugged.

Mare looked behind me and sighed as if she was a lovesick puppy. "That guy is so hot..."

"What guy?" Kamila asked, turning around but, Mare quickly grabbed her shoulder. "Don't turn around yet! You'll make it obvious, Kamila!"

Kamila rubbed the back of her neck. "Oops."

"First day and you already have a crush." Audrey wiggled her eyebrows. She was up to no good.

Mare smiled, shyly. "Well, he's a new student too and we have a few classes together. He's so nice and I like how he likes to watch the drama unfold like me. Kind of a troublemaker too."

"Can we look now?" Kamila asked impatiently and Mare nodded. We all turned around to see who she was staring at. My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. I calmed myself, feeling Audrey touch my shoulder.

"Holy bananas! That's Sean!" Kamila shouted from beside me.

"You guys know him too?" Mare asked.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now