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"Fuck. Jaxon..." I moaned in pleasure, gripping Jaxon's shoulders. He continued kissing my neck, not stopping his deep strokes until we both hit our end.

We both laid there for a little, catching our breath before Jaxon pinned himself to hover over me. A victorious smirk on his face. "Another bet has been won by me... again."

"Whatever, I only said your name once."

"And our bet was for if you could say my name or not. Therefore, I won which means you are cooking breakfast."

I rolled my eyes. "Get off of me. You're annoying." He laughed, rolling over on the bed and I carefully got up from the bed, playing off my soreness. I rummaged through his drawer to grab one of his shirts to put on.

"I'd advise you not to do that." He quipped from somewhere on the bed behind me.

I narrowed my eyes at an ugly ass shirt he had. "Why not?"

"Because Bryce is here and I'd rather not have him see you in my shirt."

I sighed, putting my hand on my head to rub the headache away. "Are you serious? You tell me that now after we just... ugh! I can't even say it!"

"Kimora. Just say we fucked."

I spun around to him, glaring at him but, kept my eyes on his face since he was deciding to be very bold this morning. "Not everyone is blunt like you, Jaxon. Unlike you, I'd rather just be nice and keep things to myself when they need to be."

He rolled his eyes. "Kitten, keeping things to herself? I don't believe it."

"Shut up!" I pouted. He chuckled before taking another look at me. I had pajama shorts and a t-shirt on now but, I still felt like I was naked with the way he was looking at me. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing, you know, the obvious hickeys all over your neck and legs and you're about to go out there to make breakfast with Bryce probably up and walking around."

"What?!" I looked down at myself and he was right about my legs. I blushed, glaring at him. "You know, I told you to stop doing that."

"You seemed to enjoy it."

"No, I-

"Ohhh, don't stop!" He moaned in a girlish tone. I grabbed the nearest thing on the dresser which was one of my plastic perfume bottles and chucked it at him, causing him to tumble onto the floor with an 'oof'. I now felt accomplished and made my way to the kitchen with Jaxon still saying he'd get his revenge.

Captian Douche.

"Oh, good morning!" I turned my head to the guy whatever his name was in the doorway of the kitchen. I was glad he wasn't making himself comfortable.

I caught his eyes checking me out and I sure didn't like the feeling that rubbed off on me. Yep. I really didn't like him and I don't want to. Jaxon knew how I felt about him staying but, it'll just be for a short period of time. Then, I was free from this guy.

He started talking again. "Kimora, correct?"

"Yeah... morning to you too, Dice." I waved.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "It's Bryce."





The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now