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a/n: going to need the interwebs to see a pic


I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot. I'm an idiot.

I'm a fucking idiot.

Why did I believe that Kimora would be alright alone at the house by herself? I should've stayed at the house or taken her with me. Maybe I should've sent her to somewhere else that would guarantee her safety.

My foot pushed the gas pedal even further and my fists gripped the steering wheel. My body was boiling with anger. My hands trembling and wishing that the steering wheel was Adam. My jumbled anxious thoughts were only adding the fuel to the fire.

I was at Tyler's house which wasn't far from Kimora and I's place.

I could make it before anything happens to her.

What if he already got to her? I doubt he would kill Kimora. Probably try and take advantage of her like before... To fuck with me and break her even more. I imagined Kimora pleading for me to save her and I shook the dreadful thought out of my head but, my chest still felt heavy.

Kimora... please hold on a little longer.

I finally arrived not even five minutes after I got out of my thoughts. I saw Adam with unconscious Kimora in his arms heading towards a car. I swerved in front of him and jumped out of the car.

He doubled back, nearly dropping Kimora from his arms. "Jaxon... it's so not great for you to make it." He glared.

I aimed the gun at him. "Put her down before I fucking blow your brains out."

"You wouldn't shoot me with Kimora in my grasps." A sinister smirk appeared on his face. My finger twitched but, I didn't shoot. This fucker would throw Kimora in front of the bullet... I have to find a way to get her out of his arms without Kimora getting hurt.

My eyes flickered to Kimora. She was unconscious but, her face was strained with pain. The blood trickling down her slightly colorless face only made my task to get her out of his hold more severe.

I took a deep breath before tossing my gun onto the ground. As soon as his gaze shifted from me to the gun, I charged towards him, toppling over us all onto the ground. I heard Kimora groan in pain and I'd apologize later but, right now, my focus was on this bastard.

I got on top of him, repetitively landing my fist in his face. Somehow, he managed to get a hold on my neck and tightened his fists around my neck. I saw that creepy smile of his and decided to head butt him in his face.

I got back onto my feet, filling air back into my lungs as he wiped the blood from his crooked nose. "I should've killed you when I had the chance." He breathed out.

"You couldn't even kill me if you had tried."

He dug into his jacket, pulling out a knife. "We'll see about that." With that, he came at me and swinging the knife to stab my chest but, I dodged out of the way. Yet, he kept coming, each swing of his still had me dodging. The knife managed to cut me several times but, I held my ground.

I missed a step and the knife plunged into my shoulder. I clenched my jaw as he snatched it back. I created some distance from us, clenching my wound now as he watched me attentively. At this rate, he was going to stab me until I was good as dead if I didn't do anything to fight him off. However, I was just on offense the whole time. I didn't want that knife to get near me. The ridged edges of that thing told me that it wasn't any ordinary knife and if it hit me right in my chest, it'd hit a major artery and I'd be done for.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now