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"A bet?"

I smiled but, Audrey frowned. "Okay. Good luck."

I glared at her through the screen of my phone, hoping she could feel a dagger through it. "That's all?"

She shrugged. "He could be studying as we speak, Kimora." There was a slight worry in the back of my mind but, I shook it off. I doubt he's going to win. Just the thought of Jaxon even reading a book sounded absurd. There is no way.

I propped my phone on my pillow, getting tired of holding my phone. "How do you know Jaxon? You never really talked about it much."

"Since the first day of Junior year." She said nonchalantly. She saw the flat look on my face and gave me that 'what?' look.

"We can't be best friends anymore." I hung up on her.

She called back just as quick and I answered. Her laugh was heard before her face came onto the screen. "Why'd you do that?"

"Why didn't you tell me?!"

She threw her hands up in surrender. "You're the one who didn't want to hear anything about him. Especially when you had that crush on him back then."

I interrupted her. "We're not talking about that."

There was a voice in the background. Audrey turned around in her chair, scowling at the intruder. "Get out, Lauren."

"Ooh! Is that Kimora?!" Lauren's head popped into the camera. "Hey, Kimora!"

I laughed at the twin. "Hey, Lauren."

"Alright, you said, hi. Get out." Audrey shooed her sister and Lauren pouted, finally leaving. Audrey let out an annoyed sigh. "Sisters."

"Can't relate."

She stuck her tongue at me and I did the same. "Well, I gotta go. My Mom has us spending a family night together." She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, have fun." We both said bye before hanging up. I stretched, rolling over on my bed to stare at the ceiling. My thoughts flooded with the bet I made with Jaxon and what Audrey said. Maybe he was studying. But, there's no way he could study AP Calculus in just one night... could he?

And if I lose, will I seriously have to be... his pet?

Why is he even referring to me as a "kitten" anyway?

Wait. Why am I even thinking about him?

I covered my head with a pillow, sighing as loud as I could. Great. I just set myself up for a potential epic fail.

I'm so stupid...


"Bonjour, love." My mother greeted me. I tiredly shuffled into the kitchen, my kitty slippers dragging across the floor.

"Good morning Mama." She kissed my cheek before resuming her cooking. I walked past my brother who was already eating.

I smacked him in the back of his head. "Sup dork?"

"Ow?!" Matthew glared at me, rubbing the head. I sat down next to him at the table, stealing a piece of bacon from his plate. "Thanks."

He frowned. "You're an ass."


"Language!" Mom scolded him. I shot him an angelic smile. He rolled his eyes, going back to eating his food as my Mom gave me mine. "Merci, mama."

Dad walked in, dressed in his casual suit ready for work. He kissed my Mom on the cheek, whispering something Spanish in her ear and she smiled, slapping him on the arm. Whatever they were talking about, I didn't want to know. I shook my head, looking for a distraction on my phone as I ate.

The Bet (The Badboy's Claim Series #1) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now