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VENUS' MIND WAS WORKING OVER TIME. SHE SAT ANXIOUSLY at a wooden table, Brenda being seated next to her. Her leg jumped up and down, as she bit her fingernails.

   Thomas, along with Newt and Gally had been gone for some time. Venus waited for their return, figuring that she would firstly hear what they had to say about the last city, before making any drastic decisions such as going into the city by herself, which she considered maybe a hundred times in the past hour.

    She hated waiting, and she hated that she didn't know if Thomas and Newt were okay.

  "You gotta' relax." Brenda spoke from next to Venus, the blonde snapping her head to the direction where Brenda was seated. Venus took a deep breath, hands running through her hair as she sighed, "I just don't understand why I couldn't go with them." Brenda gave her a sympathetic look, reaching out as she gently placed her hand on Venus' rather shaky one.

    "You know Thomas only want what's best for you, and he want to keep you safe." Venus bit her lip, scrunching her nose as she let out another sigh.

  She knew Brenda was right, she knew Thomas only wanted to keep her safe, but that's not what she wanted. She wanted to safe Minho, she owed him that, and sitting around, doing absolutely nothing was what made Venus so angry.

  "I know that, but I just — I want to help." Brenda smiled slightly, "you're just like Thomas, you know ?"

   Venus frowned, cocking her head to her side, "He'll do anything to help the people around him, and you too. I mean — even with having lost your memory, you're still willing to sacrifice everything in order to help your friends."

Venus thought over Brenda's words, and she couldn't help but return a smile. "Yeah — well, I guess we are kind of alike." Venus felt a brush creeping onto her features, she had stopped biting her nails, calming down slightly as she continued to speak with Brenda.

    "Can I ask you something ?" Venus questioned, Brenda nodding, gesturing for her to continue. "This Teresa girl — was there ever anything between her and Thomas ?"

Brenda didn't seemed shocked at the question, it was as if she was waiting for Venus to ask, as if she was expecting it. Brenda leaned back in her chair, pursing her lips before she began to speak.

    "They were close." Brenda admitted, "and maybe they had something — but the way Thomas looks at you, well, he's never looked at Teresa that way."

  "The way he looks at me ?" Venus inquired, raising her eyebrow as she waited for Brenda's response. "He looks at you as if you're the only person in the room, I'm surprise you haven't noticed it yet."

Venus was now bright red. She didn't really notice it, not until Brenda brought it up. Venus did, however, notice the longing gazes Thomas sometimes gave her, or the way he'd hold her hand or push her back when they would be in a dangerous situation.

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