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HER BREATHING WAS RAGGED, HER LEGS TREMBMING, the adrenaline pumping through her was the only thing that kept Venus going

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HER BREATHING WAS RAGGED, HER LEGS TREMBMING, the adrenaline pumping through her was the only thing that kept Venus going.

She could hear the faint sounds of monstrous screeches echoing behind her, yet, her ears rung, as if she was too focused on her other senses, it making her hearing fade, or it could just be the obvious fact that Venus was scared to death and that she only focused on getting the hell away from the Cranks chasing her and Thomas' group, in search for one thing and one thing only — human flesh.

Venus watched as Minho and Frypan were the ones to practically carry the boy who had been clawed by the Cranks only moments ago, Venus was behind them, in arms reach, and soon, Thomas had thankfully caught up to her. They still ran as if their lives depended on it, because quite frankly it did.

Teresa was the first to push through a set of double doors, and the group was, yet again, thrown out into the wasteland that was once filled with buildings, grass, water, but now, only filled with sharp speckles of sand, litering every square inch of it.

Thomas was now in the lead, with Venus still at the very back of the group. Thomas had quickly and quietly led them downward, on a rather rocky path, until he stopped midway in his sprint, ushering everyone in a rather secluded hiding spot, a large set of stones covering them as they huddled close together, the sounds of the Cranks still up in the air, the bloodthirsty screeches sending shivers down Venus' spine.

She was placed next to Thomas, with Ares on her left, the rest of the group all sitting shoulder to shoulder next to each other, not making one sound, nor one move that would give away their location.

Their breathing, although ragged, was as quiet as it could be. All the flashlights were switched off, and there they sat, waiting , hoping for the god awful sounds to come to a stop.

After what must have been an hour, it could have easily been more, Venus wasn't sure, but the sounds finally came to a halt, and finally, they were alone, at peace, if only for a little while.

"You guys should get some rest, I'll take the first watch." Thomas was the first to quietly speak up.

No one objected, Venus watched as they slowly layed themselves down, before her eyes lingered on the injured boy. She had heard Minho call him Winston only seconds before, and Frypan refering to the blonde haired boy as Newt.

Venus watched as Frypan made sure that Winston was comfortable — well as comfortable as could be in their circumstances.

Venus could tell that Winston was in pain by the way he winced whenever moving, his teeth sinking into his chapped lips as he tried to lay still.

Venus only now came to notice that everyone already layed with their eyes closed, except for her, and of course, Thomas, who watched her intently.

In all honesty, Thomas had expected Venus to turn on her heel and go straight back to the WICKED compound after their encounter with the Cranks, but she didn't, instead, she followed him, followed his group, she was the first to help Winston when he was dragged by the Cranks, an act on instinct, but a brave act nonetheless.

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