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"DO YOU THINK THE WORLD WILL EVER GO BACK TO NORMAL?" His voice was soft, quiet, his eyes staring straight at the girl that sat in front of him.

Even though he couldn't see her very clearly, due to the darkness of the basement where they were situated in the W.I.C.K.E.D compound, he could tell that the blonde haired girl was staring at him as well.

"I don't know." Venus spoke. She shifted in her position, arms folding over her chest as she thought Thomas' question over.

    "The way things are going, I don't know if we'll ever find a cure." Thomas nodded slightly at her words, head falling back as his eyes closed for a split second.

Venus watched Thomas intently. She really wished that there was a chance at a normal world again, one without diseases, without famine, without Cranks, without harmful elements — Venus wanted a world where she didn't have to be afraid all the time, where she could live, she not only wanted that for herself, but for Thomas as well.

   He deserved it more than anyone else. He deserved to be care free, to enjoy every moment of his life, to not worry about things such as a cure for the Flare. He deserved to be happy.

"We better start heading back, otherwise Janson is going to have an anuerism." Venus couldn't help but laugh at Thomas' words, nodding as she pushed herself up from where she sat, Thomas doing the same.

   "Vee—" Thomas called to her, stopping her movements as she then turned towards him, her blue eyes meeting his honey brown ones, "—no matter what happens, promise me we'll always stay together."

  Thomas was serious, Venus could tell by the way he spoke, and without hesitation, she nodded quickly.
"I promise. I'll never leave your side."

Venus didn't know what woke her. Maybe it was the several voices shouting over her, or the rought jolting coming from the car she was in, but as soon as her eyes shot open, it felt like everything went quiet, the almost deafening silence making Venus stir.

    Opening her eyes wider, the harsh rays of the sun infiltrated her vision, but they were soon blocked when someone hovered over her.


Thomas' big brown eyes were filled with concern as he continued to stare down at Venus, intently inspecting her, as if looking for any signs of injuries, something that would tell him that she was not okay.

  Blinking several times, Venus finally came to notice that she was in a car —  and when turning her head slightly to the side, she saw Brenda's face peeking at her from between the two front seats.

   Brenda gave Venus a small smile, "you're okay, thank god." She spoke and Venus frowned lightly, her mind racing, but she still couldn't really make sense of everything.

   One thing she did remember, however, was the vivid dream she had.
Where she and Thomas sat in a basement, talking about a cure, about W.I.C.K.E.D, about life.
It was a dream, no doubt, but it felt so real.

  "You scared us back there." It was Thomas who spoke again, and Venus lifted her head from his lap, slowly sitting up as she ran a hand over her face.

   "What exactly happened ?"

Thomas turned his body, him now facing Venus as she looked utterly confused, her bright blue eyes scanning him for answers.

"We kinda' crashed when going through a tunnel. I think you hit your head pretty hard—"

     All eyes were now on Venus, Newt and Frypan's as well, as they stared at the girl, hoping she'd have some recollection of what had happened.

  "I remember— running... away from the Cranks, that's about it, everything after and before that is blank." Venus massaged her temples, her head throbbing as she let out a heavy sigh.

  "I think you have a concussion, hermana." Jorge spoke from the driver's seat, his eyes set on the road as he informed the girl.

Venus only shrugged. Whether she had a concussion or didn't, it really didn't matter. They were on a mission, and a silly injury was not going to get in the way of that.

"I'm fine." She assured, "how'd you guys find us?" Venus spoke to Brenda, the girl having a slight grin on her face, "we have our ways."

   Venus chuckled ligtly, now sitting back, her head turning toward Thomas. He still looked very uneasy and worried, a frown placed on his features as he stared at the girl.

  "Thomas, I'm fine." She told him, "I hit my head, it's not like I got bit by a Crank
— and even if I did, it wouldn't matter. I'm immune."

  He stared at her for a few seconds longer as she sighed lightly, "I'm fine, okay?" Her assurance seemed to have relaxed him slightly as he nodded, "you just — you really scared me back there."

   Venus knew he cared about her, but seeing the fear in his eyes as he spoke, Venus realised that he cared for her a lot more than she thought.

Reaching out, she took his hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "I'm gonna' be fine, okay?" Thomas nodded, his hand now firmly gripping hers, as a small smile was placed on his lips.

  "No matter what happens — promise me we'll stay together."

Venus' blue eyes grew wide at his words, her breath catching in her throat as she could only stare at him.

  Those words — those were the exact same words that he had said in her dream. 'No matter what happens, promise me we'll stay together.'

Venus thought it was a dream — it had to be, but it wasn't. It was a memory that had resurfaced, and one that she'd hold on to.

  Her eyes met his again and she nodded, "I promise."


tell me what you guys think xx

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