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VENUS' HEART HAMMERED AGAINST HER CHEST, fear creeped inside of her as the pit in her stomach only grew bigger.
   She stared in front of her, the darkness surrounded the van that she was thrown into.

Venus gulped. Who the hell were these people ? And what the hell did they want with her and her friends ?

  She wondered if Thomas was okay, and Brenda and the others. She didn't know what to think or what to make of this.

She only hoped that no one would get hurt and that these people won't harm them.

  Her eyes wandered over to Newt. He sat opposite her. He had tired eyes and chapped lips, and the way he played with his fingers told Venus that he was nervous.

  Venus gulped lightly, running a hand through her hair as she quietly sighed, "we'll be fine, won't we ?" She needed Newt's assurance, maybe it'd help with the growing fear that manifested itself inside of her.

Newt's eyes moved over to Venus as he heaved a heavy breath, eyes closing for a quick second, "I hope so." He told Venus, "I really do." He mumbled more to himself as Venus had her gaze on him.

   It was silent for a moment, the only sound coming from the van's tires as it skidded across, what Venus assumed, was a gravel road.

"Thomas cares for you, you know." Newt broke the silence, pushing himself up slightly as he locked eyes with Venus.

  Venus knew Thomas cared for her, and she cared for him as well, but hearing Newt say it out loud, it gave her a different kind of feeling, a good feeling.

  Venus couldn't help but smile slightly. "Yea ?"

  Newt nodded, "I've known him for some time, we've been through a lot, and I've never seen him care for someone like he cares for you."

   Venus' cheeks were red, and even though they were in some shitty circumastances at the moment, she couldn't shake the bubbly feeling that filled her.

"I care for him too, a lot. I just wish I could remember, ya' know." Venus only had one memory, and it was from the dream that she had, nevertheless, she tightly clung to that memory, hoping that somehow the others would resurface.

  "I know how you feel. I'm sure you'll get them back, you just have to be patient." Venus slowly nodded, sending Newt a small smile. She appreciated his words.

"Can you promise me something ?" Newt's tone was serious now, and it was obvious that what he was about to say was serious to him. Venus nodded immediately.

  "Promise me that no matter what happens, you'll never leave Thomas' side. He needs you, more than he realizes." Newt spoke in a calm tone, but the importance of this promise seeped through his words.

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