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THE MAKESHIFT VEHICLE THEY WERE IN WAS SILENT. The only noise coming from outside as Jorge rushed down the dirt road, rocks splattering left and right from the fast speed he was going.

Venus sat up straight, her hand still in Thomas' grip, and she did not mind that, not one bit. Her mind however, kept traveling back to the dream that she had.

She wanted to convince herself that it was just that — a dream, but she knew that was a lie. She wanted to tell Thomas, but in all honesty, she didn't think that this was the best time.

They were on their way to save Minho, and that was what she needed to focus on, and Thomas as well. So, she pushed back the thought, her blue eyes traveling outside as the vehicle finally came to an abrupt halt.

"Easy on the brakes there, Jorge." She joked lightly, the man giving her a slight grin in the dusty rearview mirror.

Newt was the first to exit, followed by the rest. It was rather windy. Venus' hair blew wildly and she sighed at in irritation, but soon, her attention diverted to what layed in front of her.

The last city — that's where Minho was being held.

To be honest, Venus expected more of a run down place. She expected a city with collapsed buildings, a wasteland, but this was anything but a wasteland. The buildings were tall, and the area was surrounded with huge walls. It was a thriving civilization, possibly the only civilization to have made it through the end of the world.

"Funny — we spent three years trapped behind walls tryna' break out and now we wanna' break back in." Newt was the first to comment, his eyes squinting at the harsh rays of the sun,

"Yeah, it's hilarious." Frypan agreed.

"Jorge, how do we get in ?" Thomas was already a step ahead, mind already searching for a way into the WICKED compound, "don't look at me hermano —" Jorge shrugged, eyes glancing between Thomas and what layed in front of them. "Those walls are new, I guess that's WICKED's answer for everything."

"Well, we ain't gonna' figure it out from up here." Brenda spoke, moving towards the vehicle, "let's go."

The rest of them were quick to depart, but Thomas, Newt and Venus both stood still, eyes still glancing out towards the compound. "You guys really think he's in there ?" It was Newt who spoke. He took a stance next to Thomas, "I guess we'll find out." Thomas' eyes didn't move from the buildings, Venus noticed that as her attention was now on Thomas instead of the view in front of her.

"You know she's gonna' be there too."

She ?

Venus frowned. Was there someone else taken by WICKED as well, someone from their group ?

"Who are you talking about ?" Both Thomas and Newt's eyes glanced down toward the confused girl, Venus having a frown on her features.

Newt patted Thomas lightly on the shoulder, heading back towards the vehicle. Venus watched as Newt walked away, eyes shifting to Thomas once again. He scratched the side of his face for a second, before rubbing his neck, and then, his arm dropped down to his side.

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