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VENUS GAZED OUT THE WINDOW FROM WHERE SHE WAS seated in Bertha — Marcus' vehicle.

  The mountains was a sight to see, really. It gave her the chance to forget about all the shit going on in her mind.

      "Hey greenie, what happened back there?" Minho spoke from next to Venus, his voice was slightly quiet, and it was clear he only wanted the conversation to be between him and Venus.

   The girl gave him a confusing look, "it looked like you were about to beat the shit out of that Marcus guy." He elaborated, and Venus couldn't help but chuckle lightly, putting a string of her dirty hair behind her ear.

"I was about to, yea." For the first time, Minho gave a light chuckle toward the girl, "I wish you would've, that would have been a sight to see."

        Venus playfully rolled her eyes, coming to ease as she joked with Minho, "you think Jorge would turn this car around so that I could ?" Minho laughed loudly, getting an odd look from Newt who was seated in front, Minho shaking it off inatantly as his attention snapped toward Venus again.

     "You got some real balls, you know?" Venus frowned, tilting her head lightly, "going against WICKED, hitting Barkley in the ribs, running from a shitload of cranks, and wanting to throw some punches at Marcus, that's what I call guts." Venus became slightly embaressed as Minho made his list, shaking her head lightly, "you've got some balls too." He grinned at her,

"At first, I really didn't trust you, but I know you're on our side, and I can see Thomas trusts you too. That's good enough for me."

    Venus couldn't help but smile at Minho's words. She was trusted, and accepted, something she hasn't really experienced before.

    "Thank you, Minho. I really appreciate it." He gave her a nod, smile still on his lips as he averted his gaze toward the window again.

   For the first time in a long time, Venus felt happy. It was odd, to be happy at a time like this, but it felt good, really good.

  When the car — Bertha — came to a sudden halt, Venus' gaze immediately shifted to the windscreen, her heart sinking at the sight.

   It was a car graveyard, and there was no way that they could drive through it.

  Getting out of Bertha, she eyed the situation. Life always had to throw in a little surprise when things were going good for once.

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