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VENUS STOOD BEHIND A BRUNETTE HAIRED GIRL. THE TOW stretched down the hallway, everyone silent, not a sound being made.

Venus' head hurt like hell, she didn't know what they had done to her, but the pain was excrusiating. That wasn't even the worse part. She could not recall a thing. She knew her name, and that was it.

She knew she was in a facility called WICKED, and that she was being taken to a place called Denver, the reason for that was also unknown to her.

Venus felt extremely helpless. How could one forget everything. She didn't know who she was, where she came from, why she was here. She only knew what she was told by a middle aged looking man, almost having the same face as a rat. He was called Janson by one of the men dressed in a black attire, with a gun in his grip.

'The world is a dangerous place.' He had informed her, 'we can keep you safe. That's why we're taking you and your allies to a facility in Denver.'

Venus didn't know what he had implied, or if she could even trust him. He had been the only person to speak to her though, so maybe he was trying to help her.

"VENUS !" The girl's head snapped to see a frantic looking boy, her age, she presumed, he searched through the long line of individuals, "VENUS !"

And then his eyes landed on her, and he hurriedly made his way over to her, "Venus." Her name fell from his lips as he pulled her into a quick hug.

Her eyes were wide with confusion as she stared at him, "we're not safe, I don't know where were going but we're in danger."

She still stared at him, mouth slightly agape and head tilted. His dark brown hair was matted to his forehead, he had dark circles under his eyes - it looked like he hasn't slept for days.

"I — I'm sorry, who are you?" His face dropped, eyes staring at her in complete disbelief.

"I'm — I'm Minho. What did they do to you Venus ?"

Minho. His name sounded so familiar to Venus, it was as if she knew that she had encountered him before, but she couldn't place him.

"I don't know — I don't know what's going on ? What do you mean we're in danger ?"

Minho shook his head, shoulders dropping as he ran a hand through his dirty hair, "they wiped your memory." He mumbled, Venus caught it, though, frowning, she was about to question him what exactly he meant.

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