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IT WASN'T THE SHARP RAYS OF THE SUN, NOR THE HEAT THAT enveloped the hut, nor the loud noises coming from outside that woke Venus up — it was the horrible nightmare she had. Almost gasping for air, the girl slowly sat upright in the makeshift bed, and her eyes darted downward to where her wound was.

Venus lifted up her shirt slightly, as she now noticed the bandaged placed over her wound. She could feel the pain in her shoulder as well, and she had to stop her tears from falling at the memory of what had caused the wound on her shoulder.

Venus still felt so incredibly weak, and she assumed it must be because of how much blood she had lost.

Venus didn't think she'd make it — she was ready to die on the roof of that building, and maybe that would have been for the best.

She had been through so much — with being taken by WICKED and having her memories erased, again, and then with having to gone through hell to find Minho, and then losing Newt, and having Teresa sacrifice herself so that Venus and Thomas could live.

Venus had so much heartbreak, so much sadness, and she knew that it would never go away. She would still have the haunting memories of the friends she lost, and the hell she and her friends went through, but, Venus knew that she'd never be alone again.

She had Thomas. He was the one person who had always been there, he stuck by her side no matter how hard things got, and he cared for her, and she cared for him.

And then, with pushing her thoughts aside, Venus slowly made her way off of the bed and even with feeling weak and tired, she knew she had to get to Thomas — she had to see him, to see if he was okay.

When exiting the hut, Venus felt complete and utter relief and comfort enveloping her as she took in the setting around her. It was a safe place — away from the last city, away from the dangers of the world — it was the safe haven.

They had made it, and it felt so surreal. Venus would never have thought that they'd get this far, that they'd finally be free and safe, but there she stood on the grass, her eyes wandering over to the beach that stretched ahead of her, and her gaze then settled on the several tents that were put up, and the people that scattered along the area.

Venus neared the civilization, and when her eyes met Thomas', the relief on his features didn't go unnoticed, and without wasting another second, Venus rushed toward him as quick as she could, and when his arms wrapped around her, Venus couldn't stop the tears from escaping anymore.

"You're okay." Thomas mumbled into her neck as he now held her closer, as if he was afraid that she'd disappear if he let her go.

Venus only buried her face into Thomas' chest as she held onto him as if her life depended on it. She felt so save in his arms, she felt at home, and she never wanted this feeling to end.

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