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"HEY, DO YOU HEAR THAT?" THOMAS walked infront, mind drifting to the setting around them, but Venus came to a halt when Brenda did.

"Thomas, hold up." Venus called after him, Brenda now sitting herself down on the pavement, breathing heavily as she did so.

Venus was still in shock, still shaking from the events that occured only a few minutes prior. She could still feel her heart pounding when she thought of her hanging more than a hundred metres above ground, her only safe place being Thomas.

He had pulled her up, embracing her in a hug. She didn't let any tears fall, she was in such shock that she could barely show any emotion.

And now, here the three of them were. They had made their way out of the cursed building, now on solid ground. Venus, in all honesty, didn't really know what to expect, she didn't know what they would find next or what would happen, but what she knew was that they had to get to their friends as fast as they could.

"You alright?" Thomas now stood next to Venus, in front of Brenda. The girl seemed a bit shaken up, Venus thought that it must've been because of their encounter with the cranks, but oh, how wrong she was.

When Brenda rolled up her leggings, Venus' mouth dropped in shock. A bite mark was evident on her calve, small blood droplets dripping down. The injury looking extremely horrible.

"Shit, how — "

"When I tried to kick the crank from Thomas, it sank its teeth into me." Brenda cut me short, her shaky breath showing her uneasiness.

"Brenda —" Thomas' voice was soft, eyes scanning the marks on her leg. He was worried, anyone could tell, and so was Venus.

"Yea, yea, I know." Brenda gazed up at Venus and Thomas for a quick second, continuing to wrap a piece of ripped material around the wound.

"Let's just go find Marcus." She was up on her feet, Venus gulping lightly. Brenda had only gotten the bite about half an hour and she already looked ill. The dark circles under her eyes didn't go unnoticed to Venus, and her pale skin was another thing.

Venus gave Thomas a quick look, showing her concern, before following after the girl.

When finally exited the alleyway they were in, Venus took it all in.

There were actual people scattered across the streets, but the place was still a mess. From cars burned out and laying on their roofs, to junk scattered around.

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