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"YOU WANT US TO GO IN THERE ?" NEWT POINTED TOWARDS the stretched out tunnel that layed ahead of them.

Venus intently eyed the darkness that seeped through the tunnel, eyes squinting slightly due to the sharp rays of sun infiltrating her vision.

  Several warning signs surrounded the entrace of the tunnel, making it very clear that this was not a safe place.

   Venus gazed over to Thomas, his eyes skimming over the map in his hold, the paper of said map being a light brown color, making it clear that it was a very old piece of paper.

"I don't wanna' come across as too negative, but if I was a Crank, that's exactly where I'd be." Newt spoke, eyes on Thomas as Thomas only focused on the map. Venus pursed her lips, a shrill running down her spine.

    She must have seen a Crank before, but she does not recall it, of course, she really didn't know exactly what to expect.

   She assumed they must be zombie-like creatures, nevertheless, the thought of encountering a Crank made her feel very uncomfortable.

"I don't think we have much of a choice." Thomas said, now looking up from the map for the first time.

   Venus gulped lightly. Was she brave enough to follow Thomas' plan ? To go into a pitch black tunnel, that's infested with Cranks and god knows what else ?

The answer, however, was clear. She had no choice but to follow Thomas' plan, it's the only way to get Minho back, and Venus had to get Minho back, she swore that to herself, even if it is the last thing she'd do, she'd get him back.

  "Alright, I get shotgun." Newt didn't really seem bothered to go into the godforsaken tunnel, he simply shrugged as he made his way to the passenger side of the vehicle, Frypan following him suit.

  "You okay?" Thomas suddenly spoke up,Venus, who's nerves were already scattered all over the place, jumped lightly, heaving out a shaky breath as her eyes met Thomas'.

   He really seemed to care about her.

Nodding quickly, the blonde haired girl gave him a quick, nervous smile, "yea—yea, totally okay."

   He eyed her cautiously, slowly nodding as he gestured for her to get into the vehicle, Thomas going to the other side as he placed himself behind Frypan, making sure his door was locked.

  Venus sat next to Thomas, eyes set dead ahead on the tunnel as they began entering it, Frypan driving rather slowly. The only source of light was the headlights from the Jeep, as well as the flashlights of Thomas and Newt.

"Just take it nice and slow." Newt ordered, Frypan doing as told.

  The tunnel seemed like a graveyard for cars, the dusty and run down vehicles scattered along the road as Venus took in the scene.

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