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       VENUS' EYES OPENED SLOWLY, MEETING THE WOODEN roof that stared back at her. The couch she was laying on was more comfortable than the bed she had back at WICKED.

  "I'm glad you're finally awake."

Venus' breath caught in her throat temporarily in fright, heart skipping several beats as her eyes scanned the room, before finally landing on a figure seated on an old leather chair. Newt.

She knew who he was, he spoke to her for quite some time before she had her conversation with Thomas. She knew that she had to have been friends with Newt as well, even though she could not recall it.

"Uhm — what are you —"

  "We have a mission." He cut her short, now turning on the lantern which stood on the table besides him, the orange light falling onto his face, the darkness of the room subsiding slightly.

Venus raised her eyebrows, sitting up straighter as she waited for Newt to continue. "You see, Thomas is going to sneak out of here in about — ten minutes," Venus frowned, not really catching along Newt's explenation, but she didn't interrupt him, she waited for him to continue timidly.

    "He's going to the Last City, Denver, to save Minho, he thinks he's going alone, but fortunately for him, he's not and unfortunately for us, we're gonna' have to tag along."

Venus was wide awake now, listening intently to Newt's plan as she threw her legs off the couch, her feet securely landing on the cement floor.

She didn't have to ask Newt any questions. The plan was simple. And there was no way she was going to object on going with them, she
wanted — needed to save Minho, he had saved her, and it was only fair to return the favor.

  "Fantastic." Newt grinned. Venus slipped on her rather worn out lace up boots, courtesy of WICKED, as she grabbed the thin jacket that layed on the chair besides her.

    Venus had to admit though, she didn't get why Thomas would go alone on such a dangerous mission. She told him pointedly that she wanted to help save Minho, she was slightly angry at him for excluding not only her, but his seemingly closest friends from his plan as well.

Shrugging off her swirling thoughts, she turned to Newt, "let's go."


Venus sat in the backseat of the Jeep, Frypan in the driver's seat. Newt stood outside, back pressed against the vehicle as he awaited Thomas.

      Venus, although having slept almost the entire day, was still drowsy. Maybe it was from too much sleep, or maybe because she was so exhausted.

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