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THE WIND WAS HEAVY. IT BLEW THE SPECKLES of sand up in the air, many of them going into Venus' eyes.

It was a wasteland, entirely. In the many years that Venus had lived in the WICKED compound, she's never been outside, and she's never seen anything from the outside.
Thus, she had no idea what to expect.

The sound of the wind nipped her ears, but above that, sirens as well as the sound of bikes could be heard, and the occasional flash of light spread across the deserted land , it coming from the guards of WICKED, in search for her, as well as the other escapees.

"Stay low, stay low !" Thomas ordered, each one of his friends, as well as Venus followed his instruction, making sure to not be spotted as that would ruin everything they've went through to escape.

Teresa was the one to lead, Thomas instructing her to stay together as the group piled behind her. Venus did her best to keep up, not used to these extreme circumstances.

Stumbling down a hill, the group piled behind Teresa, as she stood infront od a broken window, it seemed to be some kind of building, a mall perhaps, almost drowned in sand, and when Teresa was the first to enter , the group piled behind her, Venus careful not to fall as she went downhill, heaving a sigh of relief as she finally got to ground that was more level.

She took in the scene - she couldn't quite make out where they were or what surrounded them. The darkness also creeped her out, and she was beyond relieved when Minho pulled out a flashlight from the bag he stole from a WICKED guard.

"Where the hell are we?" Minho questioned , slowly aiming the flashlight around the area, "we gotta' go." Thomas spoke, him being out of breath as he already started to move, but soon came to a halt when Teresa ordered him to stop.

"Tell me what's going on."

Thomas neared the girl, lowering his voice as he speaks,"it's WICKED. They lied to us, we never escaped. Me, Ares and Venus, we found bodies, too many to count."

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?"

"No, but they weren't alive either. They had them strung up, tubes coming out of them, they were being drained." Thomas didn't make eye contact with anyone as he spoke, and Venus noticed that, up until now, she realised that she was one of the lucky ones, she wasn't send into the maze to complete the trials, she lived inside WICKED with no fears.

"There's something inside of us that WICKED wants, something in our blood. We need to get as far away from them as possible."

"Why are we trusting her then? She's one of them." Minho spoke up, staring directly at Venus as the girl clenched her jaw.

"I'm not one of them, I was, but I'm not anymore, why do you think I helped you?" Venus sternly spoke, nearing Minho slightly as her eyes pierced through his.

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