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"WELL — THEY'RE DEFINITELY PISSED." GALLY BREATHED OUT, referring to the several sirens of WICKED's guards that roamed throughout the streets of the last city.

   Venus had fallen down next to Newt, her breathing ragged as sweat coated her forehead. The had easily ran aboit five blocks before finally finding a secluded place with no WICKED guards in sight.

When Newt started to cough from next to Venus, the tiredness she experienced was swept away in an instant as she focused her attention on her sick friend. 

     "How you feeling ?" Minho now crouched in front of Newt, the concern in his voice evident as Venus watched Newt now unbuttoning his shirt.

  "Terrible." Newt replied, placing a hand on Minho's shoulder, "good to see you thought."

Minho's eyes gazed towards Venus, "I'm glad to see you're okay." Minho told her, and Venus gave him a nod, a light smile playing at her lips. "It's all thanks to you." She told him. Minho then went over to Thomas, but Venus stayed put, her eyes fixated on Newt.

    "It's gonna' be okay." She told him — Venus could see that he was in pain and discomfort, and the once lively spark he had in his eyes was now replaced by dullness and this broke her heart.

She didn't want to lose Newt — he was one of her best friends, he had looked out for his since the start, and Venus knew he meant a lot to Thomas and Minho as well.

Newt gave her a weak smile, "I hope so — I really want to see little Tommy's running around." He joked, and Venus couldn't help but laugh. Even in the darkest of times, Newt still had a way of bringing light to the situation.

  "Vee —" Venus now snapped her head to Thomas, him lingering over her and Newt, "—we gotta' get going, we need to get to Brenda." Thomas informed, and Venus nodded, pushing herself from the ground.

  Thomas now helped Newt, the blonde haired boy being slightly off balance as he almost toppled over, but Thomas caught him.

Venus was cautious as they moved, the never ending fear of being captured by WICKED lingering in the back of her mind.

   The streets were empty, and Venus was relieved about that. And then, the first explosion came. Venus' eyes widened at explosion near the far end of the wall that surrounded the city, and she, together with the rest of her friend came to a halt.

  "They were suppose to take down WICKED, not the whole city." Gally spoke, watching at the flames erupting from the explosion. That had been the plan all along — Gally's boss helped then to get into WICKED to save Minho and the other immunes, and in return, Thomas, Venus and the rest of their friends would make sure that Gally's boss gained access to the city in order to take down WICKED — only WICKED, not the entire city.

"It seems like there has been a change of plans." Gally told Venus, and then, the sirence erupted throughout the whole city, and Venus knew they had to get going. The tunnels where they would meet Brenda and Frypan was about twelve blocks away, and they had to hurry.

      "Get down!" Thomas now ordered, all of them ducking behind a cement block, and Venus realised that the WICKED guards were just on the other side of the road — their guns aimed toward something unknown, and then Minho asked the million dollar question — "what are they waiting for ?"

As soon as the words had left his mouth, there was an explosion on the other side of the road, and Venus ducked on instinct and when the sound of guns being shot and shouts from people echoed around them, Thomas was next to Venus in an instant, covering her — he'd make sure that she wouldn't get her, he promised himself that.

All hell broke loose now, with RPG's beinf fired and hand granades being thrown, Gally was the first to speak up, "we gotta' go, we gotta' go." He repeated, and the panic in his voice was as clear as day.

"You and Minho grab Newt," Venus order, "I'll lead the way, Gally you're in the back. Let's go." Venus instructed, and before Thomas could even object to this, Venus was well on her way — Minho helping Thomas carry Newt as Gally was in the back, making sure that they wouldn't get attacked from behind.

"In here!" Venus had shouted, noticing that the glass of one of the buildings had shattered. She rushed inside, with the rest well on her heels.

    "Thomas — here." Venus threw the handheld tranceiver his way, "see if you can find a signal to talk to Brenda." He nodded, extending the antenna as he tried, and for what must've been the tenth time, Thomas finally reached Brenda.

    "We're not gonna' make it." He told Brenda, and no matter how much Venus hated to admit it, Thomas was right — they were surrounded, and there was a very slim chance that they'd be able to escape.

"What are you talking about ?" Venus could hear Brenda's voice, and Thomas took a second to recollect himself.

   "Just take the others — get everybody out while you still can." Thomas' gaze met Venus, and the sadness she saw in his brown eyes made her heart break even more.

   "No." Came Brenda's voice again, "I'm not leaving you, or Venus, or the others, okay ? So forget it." Brenda spoke with persistance, and then, it was silent on Brenda's sight, and Venus worried that something might have happened, but when her voice came through again, Venus sighed in relief. "Don't worry —" Brenda spoke, "—I'm coming to you."

"What are you talking about ?" Thomas inquired, "just look for us near the tunnels." Brenda said, and Venus knew that Brenda had formed a plan, and if there was any chance of them getting out of here — they had to take it.

"Let's go Thomas, you heard Brenda — we need to get to the tunnels." Thomas seemed hopeless, his eyes darting downward to the ground, and upon noticing this, Venus now kneeled in front of him, cupping his cheeks as she forced him to look at her.

    "Listen to me —" she spoke, "this is out chance, and we have to take it." He gulped, taking a deep breath, and without wasting another minute, Venus placed her lips on his in a light kiss,

    "Let's do this."


hope you guys are liking the book!
it's almost coming to an end :(
please go check out my new
stiles stilinski fanfiction — 'Nova'.
love u all!


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