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IT WAS CHAOS. FROM WICKED GUARDS SHOOTING DOWN THE army of Gally's boss, to bombs being thrown — leaving almost everything that surrounded them in flames.

      Venus' heart pounded rapidly in her chest, she was unable to control her ragged breathing and the smoke and ash that came from the flames only worsened this.

  "Get down !" Minho now yelled, the group ducking behind a cement barrier, and Venus listened immediately, following his instruction as her back rested against the cement — and that's when she heard it, the sound of a berg echoing throughout the streets, and when glancing upward, there it was.

   She heaved a sigh of relief — "that's them." Thomas had yelled — Brenda  came to save them.

   "We gotta' go." Thomas was in a hurry, they all were, but when Venus' eyes landed on Newt, her breath had caught in her throat at the awful sight.

       The veins all over his face was evident, and his bloodshot, darkened eyes stared straight at Venus, and when black blood oozed from his mouth, Venus' eyes were on Thomas.

      She could see the worry coating his features at the sight of Newt — he didn't know what to do and neither did Venus.

"Just — go without me." Newt mumbled out, coughing up more black blood. Venus now kneeled on her knees next to him, and she tried her best to stop her tears from spilling over her eyelids.

Newt was her friend, one of the first real friends she's ever had. He didn't deserve this — he didn't deserve to suffer like this. Venus wished that she could trade places with Newt — she'd do anything in order to take all of his pain and suffering away.

   "Minho —" Thomas now calmly spoke, "you gotta' run ahead, grab the serum. Get back to us as soon as you can."

   Venus could see Minho wanted to refuse this, his eyes staring at Thomas for several seconds as he tried to think of another plan.

  "Minho, you and Gally need to go. Thomas and I will stay with Newt." Minho gazed up at the girl, the sadness in his eyes was something that Venus would never forget.

    "You gotta go with them Vee." Thomas told her, and her eyes met his. "I'm not leaving you —" she sternly told him, before averting her gaze towards Minho and Gally once again, "—go, and hurry." With hesitance, Minho now got up from his kneeling position, and before him and Gally took off, Newt had grabbed hold of Minho's hand.

    "Thank you —" Newt spoke, his chest heaving as he struggled to catch a breath, "thank you, Minho."

"Hey, just hang on. You hear me ?" Minho placed a gentle hand on Newt's shoulder, and then, he was off with Gally in the lead.

Venus, standing from her kneeling position, gave Thomas a worried look, as she then slightly peeked over the cement block, the gun fire still raging between the two groups.
    "We need to go —" Venus then spoke, "we're not safe here." Thomas nodded, and it seemed as if he realised this as well.

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