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TODAY, BY INSTRUCTION OF JANSON, VENUS had to help with rounding up the individuals that had completed the maze trails as they were to be sent to the safe haven.

     Venus has heard of the Safe Haven before, presumably, it's a place where all the subjects of the Maze could have their freedom.

It sounded quite nice, in all honesty, the only thing bothering Venus was the fact that she has never seen any evidence of this so called Safe Haven, though, she never did ask.

       Standing next to Janson, Venus was never fond of him.
   He had the tendancy of getting on her nerves, and his personality in general irritated Venus. He was a know it all, and he sometimes reminded Venus of a rat, due to the way he would scrunch up his face when he was dissatisfied with something that Venus had done.

    Janson had a list of several names scrawled on it, though, she didn't really pay attention as he read the names, her eyes caught sight of the boy she saw when she helped Dr. Crawford with the new arrivals, and to her suprise, he was staring straight at her.

       Venus adjusted her focus, finally crashing into reality as Janson read the final name on the list.

     Venus waited for all the teenagers to follow behind Janson, as she was suppose to march behind them, making sure none of them got lost on the way to the medical wing, where they would firstly be given their vitamins before going to the safe haven.

      Venus noticed that the same boy, which she was staring at only moments ago, made his way towards the group of teenagers.

   He seemed determined as he marched toward them,

Without knowing that his name was not on the list, Venus waited for him to proceed in front of her, but jumped when he was harshly pushed back by the two guards at the doorway.

   "Woah, hang on, you weren't called." Ryan, the guard, spoke, his tone dripping with arrogance as Venus watched the scene unfold, the clear instructions that Janson had given her about following behind the new recruits long forgotten.

     "I'm just gonna' be a second." The boy insisted, wanting to push his way through the guards yet again, as his eyes met Venus' for a quick second.

   "This is a restricted area, kid." Ryan told him, pushing him back again.

      "I just wanna' see my friend, can you let my through?" The boy spoke quitely, and when Ryan placed a harsh finger on his chest, followed by a 'get your ass back in that chair' ,
        The boy's eyes met Venus' again. He backed away slightly, before charging full force towards Ryan, his persistance on getting through getting the best of him.

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