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VENUS SAT PATIENTLY ON THE HARD AND RATHER UNCOMFORTABLE CHAIR in the white and grey hallway, her knee bouncing up and down as she awaited for Doctor Crawford

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in the white and grey hallway, her knee bouncing up and down as she awaited for Doctor Crawford.

The girl had nothing much to do at the moment. She was usually sat between four walls, testing various substances, going over important research, analysing data, all in hopes to find a cure for the deadly, human destroying virus called the Flare.

Sometimes, the small space would overwhelm her. She had been stuck in the WICKED compound since she was only nine years old, and sometimes, she'd get frustrated with seeing the same walls, the same people, eating the same food and having the same routine.

Thus, is why she is currently sat outside Doctor Crawford's office.

Even though Venus didn't really know Doctor Crawford that well, she was always kind to her, offering to show her some insights on medical aspects, and Venus , of course, didn't turn the offer down as it was something different than what she usually did.

Lifting up her head at the sound of the heavy metal door opening, Vee placed some loose strands of blonde hair behind her ears as she stared up at Doctor Crawford.

Scrambling to her feet, she greeted the woman with a light smile, "I have some exciting news." Doctor Crawford announced, and Venus was all ears immediately.

Nothing exciting ever happened here, as Vee had mentioned earlier, it was the same routine over and over again, yet, she didn't exactly have a right to complain. Venus would much rather be stuck in here than outside in the wasteland, surrounded by miles and miles of sand, not to mention the Zombie like creatures that were once human.

"We have new arrivals." The doctor announced.

More ? More new arrivals ? Vee thought to herself. Up until a week ago, the Maze trails were successfully put to an end.

Venus had never been involved in monitoring the maze trails, she knew about it though.
It was set to monitor the brain activity of the subjects in hopes to find a cure for the Flare.

Taking Vee's silence as permission to continue, Doctor Crawford wasted no time in doing so,
"As we are slightly understaffed with the crisis at our other WICKED compound, I'll need your help with giving them their vitamins."

Beaming at Doctor Crawford, Venus nodded enthusiastically, "that'd be great." She grinned, following the doctor down the hallway,

"Now, remember to be gentle, okay? And be sure to keep it strictly formal."

Venus nodded along the doctor's words. Vee sometimes had the tendency to talk too much when excited or nervous, however, she'd try her best to follow the rules set by Doctor Crawford.

Once coming to a halt in front of another heavy steel door, Doctor Crawford swiped her keycard, the door opening in an instant.

Venus also had a keycard, but it only granted her access to certain places. She sometimes had the idea that maybe WICKED was hiding something with being so secretive, but she never gave it much thought.

"Evening Doctor Crawford, evening Venus." Victor, a rather intimidating employee of WICKED, greeted Venus and Doctor Crawford.

"Evening." Vee politely greeted.

"Evening, how are the new arrivals holding up?"

"So far so good."

Vee followed closely behind
Doctor Crawford, but her eyes traveled to a boy, seated in the chair next to Victor who had greeted them earlier.

He wore a grey sweatshirt, with black pants, and when his eyes stared directly into her own, she quickly averted her gaze.

Venus almost toppled over
Doctor Crawford as the woman came to a sudden halt. Vee composed herself quickly, straightening out her attire as she saw a girl, about her age, seated on a hospital bed in front of her, her long, black hair draped over her shoulders.

"You must be Teresa." Doctor Crawford smiled. The girl, however, almost showed no emotion as she merely nodded.

Venus felt pity towards her.
It seems like she must have gone through a lot, due to the scars on her arms and the dull expression she had fixated on her face.

Venus knew the maze trails were tough, but how tough exactly, that she didn't know.

Dr. Crawford proceeded to draw the curtains, making sure that no one could see inside.

"I'm Venus." Vee introduced to Teresa, and a sudden emotion flooded through the dark haired girl's eyes, it almost seemed as if she recognized Venus.

Teresa didn't respond to Venus' introduction, but the girl only decided to not think too much of it as she prepped the shots for Teresa, making sure to follow Crawford's exact instructions.


Venus was sat in her room in the Eastern wing of the WICKED compound, lunch tray on her lap as she dug into the chicken noodle soup, it was her favourite.

She usually sat at the employee lounge, but today, she wanted to be by herself.

When finishing her dinner, she layed her head on the pillow, staring up at the grey roof above her.

Was this all that the world had to offer ? A grey roof, with grey walls and grey floors. Venus wanted to believe that there was more to life than this, but sadly there wasn't.

Hopefully, when a cure is found, things would change, and she'd be able to live a normal life. A life free of dangerous elements and Cranks.

The girl's overactive thinking was cut short when a sudden sound was heard behind her closed door.

The girl, being her curious self, scurried to open the heavy door, and she was taken aback at what she saw.

Doctor Crawford was leading the way , and what followed the doctor shook Venus to the core.

What looked like human bodies were wheeled on gurneys, a machine placed above their head, monitoring their entire being, their heart rate, brain activity. Venus had never seen this before.

And there wasn't just one body, there were several.

Venus jumped as a sudden hand wrapped around her arm, a WICKED guard hovering above her as he roughly pushed her into her room, slamming the door shut.

Confusion enveloped her, as well as several questions popping up. What the hell was going on out there ?

Venus was too shocked to think properly, but one thing she knew was that she had to find out what had just occured, and she had to act quick.


so excited for this !!
please give me some
feedback ;)

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