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             "THEY MADE THEIR CHOICE LONG AGO." JANSON HAD SAID,  his gun aimed towards them as he neared them.

    "Drop it kid!" A WICKED guard had yelled at Thomas who had his gun raised, and Venus snapped her head to the right, her eyes widening as she saw several WICKED guards approaching.

   They were surrounded.

Venus watched in a quick motion as Thomas had pulled Teresa toward him, his gun now situated at her temple. Venus' eyes had widened at Thomas' actions.

    "Back up." Thomas ordered, "tell them to back off." The WICKED guards did not back off, they kept approaching them, and there were too many to count.

  "Tell them to back off!" Thomas yelled again, "Thomas c'mon, it's me. I've known you longer than you can remember, you're not gonna' shoot her." Janson kept approaching them as he spoke, and Venus tried to push away the fear of getting captured by WICKED — again.

     "You don't think so ?" Thomas challenged. Janson, who still had his gun raised, cocked an eyebrow at Thomas. Venus took a step forward, almost standing in front of Thomas. If Janson were to fire his gun, Venus would make sure that Thomas wouldn't be the one to get hit.

"Okay, go on then — shoot her." Janson had now raised his weapon in the air, before dropping it to his side, and Venus watched his actions in terror.

    "Proof me wrong. Shoot her."

Venus didn't care about Teresa, not after she betrayed them, but Venus knew that no matter what happened, or whar Teresa did — Thomas cared about her, and Venus cared about Thomas.

However, before Venus could even open her mouth to try and reason with Janson, Teresa had in a swift move, pushed Thomas and Newt behind the fire safety escape, pushing down on the lever as the bullet proof glass door had sealed shut — leaving Thomas and Newt safely behind the glass, with Venus trapped in the midst of Janson and the WICKED guards.

     It took Thomas a few seconds, before he realised what had happened — before her realised that Venus wasn't next to him anymore, instead she was in danger on the other side of the door and he had no way to get to her.

     "Venus!" He yelled, rushing towards the glass. Venus gulped, the tears evident in her vivid blue eyes — she knew it was too late for her.

    "Get Minho!" She yelled to Thomas, "get him out!" Her gaze went over from Thomas to Newt, "you have to get Minho out!" She told him.

     Venus watched as Newt spoke to Thomas, the boy in a complete state, and Venus' eyes locked with him again. "I'll get to you, Thomas, I promise. Please—please just go."

         Thomas gulped, his teary eyes made Venus want to break down and cry, but she knew she couldn't — this was no time to cry.

   "Trust her Thomas, we have to go get Minho." It was Newt who spoke some sense in to him, "I'll get to you Venus, I promise." Thomas told her, and the sadness in his eyes was enough to completely break her, and then, with one last look, they were gone.

Venus was then harshly pulled away by a WICKED guard.

"Your story better be go." Janson now turned toward Teresa, the anger washing over his face as Venus was still in the tight grip of the WICKED guard.

    "I just did you a favour —" Teresa gulped, her eyes then moving over toward Venus, and the girl was taken aback when she saw the guilt in Teresa's expression. Teresa now moved her attention to Janson once again,
"—the door's are sealed, they can't get out."

    Janson gulped, and Venus watched as Teresa walked away, "and Jason, I need them alive — Venus as well." Teresa gave the blonde haired girl a quick look, and then, she turned her back on Venus, walking away.

     "Take her to the isolation room." Janson spoke, he gave Venus a harsh stare, before he sprinted off towards the direction Thomas and Newt were headed.

     Venus clenched her jaw at the tight grip the WICKED guard had on her as he pushed her towards the isolation room.

I've got to do something. She thought to herself. This was not how it was suppose to go — this was not the plan.

Venus' mind raced — she really didn't know much about fighting, she knew how to use a gun, but hers was taken by a WICKED guard only a few minutes prior.

       Venus, however, knew she had to do something — there was no way in hell that she was going to be one of WICKED's prisoners, not again.

    "Move it along!" The guard yelled at her. Venus, walking a bit faster, roamed her eyes over the long, white coated corridor in search for anything that would be useful, and when her eyes landed on a red fire extinguisher mounted to the wall in a sealed glass case — she knew this might just be her only chance to escape.

        She didn't really even think this plan through — there was no time, but this had to be done, she had to try.

    In a swift move, she trew her head backwards as hard as she could, and even though the WICKED guard was wearing his head gear, the man still lost his balance at the sudden impact, and his grip slipped from Venus, the girl harshly pulling back as well, with her almost falling to the ground.

   Venus was quick to recover, moving to the cased fire extinguisher as she smashed her fist trought the glass, hissing loudly as it had cut her.

     Her gaze then snapped toward the WICKED guard who had now made his way from the ground, but before he could reach for his gun, Venus had loosened the fire extinguisher, and with all her strength, she charged towards the guard — lifting the extinguisher as she slammed it over the guard's head, him collapsing due to the heavy impact.

   Venus knocked him out stone cold.

Screw you!" She yelled, catching her breath, and then, she went to grab the guard's gun. Picking up the heavy weapon, she ran as fast as she could.

   She really didn't know where she was going, but she had only two things on her mind — finding Thomas and saving Minho.

    Climbing down a flight of stairs, Venus had now reached the ground floor of the building, and when her eyes caught sight of an information board, she rushed toward it, scanning for the name Medical Wing.

       And when almost being halfway through the list, she found it — it was on floor forty one.

Before the girl could make a move, she heard the sound of gun shots being fired — it coming from outside the building.

    Maybe it was Thomas or Newt, she thought. The girl knew it was such a slim chance, but she had to take it — she had a feeling, and if she had to trust her gut.

    She steadily made her way out of the building towards the shots that had now started to cease, and then, she saw him — Thomas. Newt and Minho standing next to him, all of them standing in a pool of water and Venus almost cried in relief when seeing that they had found Minho.

   Gally stood in front of Thomas, Newt and Minho. "You guys are nuts." Venus heard him say, and she couldn't contain herself anymore.

    "Thomas!" She yelled out, her vision blurry due to the tears that rolled over her eyes — she was so relieved to see him, she didn't think she would ever again.

    His eyes had now snapped towards her, and he didn't waste another second when making his way from the pool of water he was in towards her.

   And when they neared one another — his lips were on hers, Thomas' hands cupping her cheeks as they kissed.

     Venus' tears still dropped down her cheeks — making the kiss taste salty, but neither her nor Thomas minded that.

All the mattered to Thomas was that Venus was safe — she was okay, and that's all he's ever wanted — for Venus to be safe.

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