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VENUS' EYES OPENED WIDE. SHE WAS OUT OF BREATH, PANTING, AS SHE SAT UP STRAIHGT. Her head whipped left and right as she tried to make sense of her surroundings ― and that was when everything finally sunk in.

     After she had hit hear head on the table, she was in a deep sleep, but nothing was dark when she was asleep, instead, her head was filled with dreams ― with memories. Everything had resurfaced. It was as if when she had hit her head, it jump started her memories.

She remembered the first time she saw Thomas. He was brought into WICKED together with the others, and he wore a white t-shirt with grey sweatpants. They didn't exchange word, but her eyes met his. Venus remembered helping Thomas and everyone escape from WICKED, she remembered when she first met Brenda, and Jorge.

       And she remembered her first kiss ― with Thomas. They were at the Right Arm, and not only that, but she recalled the events that occurred before Thomas was sent into the maze, she remembered that she and Thomas had given every coordinate to every WICKED compound to the Right Arm.

  And then, the thought of Teresa came to mind ― Teresa who had betrayed them. And then Venus realised that it was Teresa' fault ― she was the one who let WICKED take Minho and Venus. Teresa was responsible for WICKED that took Venus' memories, and at this, Venus felt her blood boiling.

  Nevertheless, she couldn't just sit there, going over everything that she remembered. She had to get Minho back.

   She pushed herself from the makeshift bed, slipping on her shoes that layed on the floor. She was still light headed, still disorientated, and she didn't know whether it was because of all the memories that swerved around her head or because of the hit that she endured.

  Her head snapped up when the door opened slowly, and when her eyes met Thomas', she felt instant relief wash over her. He looked so tired, yet, he had a smile plastered on his face, a look of relief washing over him as he saw Venus.

   "You're okay." He breathed, and before Venus could say anything, he wrapped her in a tight hug. A warm feeling washed over her, and she felt so peaceful being wrapped in his arms.

  "I ― I have to tell you something." She mumbled, pushing slightly away from Thomas as her blue eyes met his brown ones. He looked worried, and Venus gulped lightlty, not knowing where to start or how to even explain everything to him. Neverheless, she took a deep breath, "I remember." She softly spoke, and Thomas' eyes widened, "I remember everything, even before you were send into the maze. I remember."

    Thomas looked relief, he had a genuine smile plastered on his face, and his eyes lit up, the honey brown color so perfect, Venus felt like she could drown in them.

    "You remember out first ― uh ― kiss ?" Thomas was flustered, his hand scratching the back of his neck in a nervous habit. He stared into Venus' ocean eyes, and looking at her, it was as if everything around him disappeared, and it felt like it was only the two of them.

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